“There are very few jobs in America you can get with sexual assault allegations hanging over your head, and Supreme Court Justice surely shouldn’t be one of them.”
“There are very few jobs in America you can get with sexual assault allegations hanging over your head, and Supreme Court Justice surely shouldn’t be one of them.”
I think I need to quit reading news for a while. It’s not just that it’s all horrifying and depressing - it’s that I feel like I’m killing brain cells whenever I read about something trump said.
I lost any respect for Pelosi when she said that impeacment was “off the table” for unindicted war criminal George W. Bush and his gang of torturers and war profiteers. Trump needs to be impeached and tried for his crimes. Justice and love of country demand it.
Or at least get them a five gallon bucket with some tools from Lowe’s.
“White males and other young men who have grown up in this country commit the vasty, vasty majority of these horrible acts. Mostly, they are driven by toxic masculinity and excessive privilege."
Obama wasn’t an American himself, is what they believe.
Where were all these “he was elected so you MUST respect the president” rightwingers during Obama’s time? Oh right, they openly refused to accept him for 8 years.
The White House Press Corps is a bunch of craven pussies. It’s just Sarah Sanders spouting propaganda and outright lies every day, and it normalized Trump and his administration.
Whenever I see these images, I get re-aggravated by the dog-whistling and outright lying by right-wing politicians and law-enforcement official who claim that brown people and immigrants are the biggest, scariest terrorism threats. Um, no.
Why Are Democrats Poised to Let 7 Trump-Nominated Judges Slide to Confirmation?
He sits like at any moment Mueller might burst in and he’ll have to run
So let’s see, in the last 2 days at the SCOTUS.......
That meeting should be fun. One of them is a megalomaniacal, fat ass dictator who doesn’t listen to his advisors, and the other is the leader of North Korea.
France Stan here to talk about how that Euro final was complete bullshit, horribly officiated, and Portugal had a miraculous run of luck through the ENTIRE tournament. I’m still in disbelief that they won that thing.
THAT’S why they have no shot in this WC. They were a completely mediocre team in the Euro, they are…
My trick, which I’ve used in virtually every FPS game since I was, like, 7, is to use ESDF instead of WASD. It frees up Q, A, Z, 1, and F1 for additional commands while still giving easy access to the modifier keys. You basically just get a free column’s worth of keybinds, which, in Fortnite, perfectly resolves into…
Your mom sounds adorable and like she really tried hard during the teen years. Bless her sweetness, she sounds like a real class act.
My mom had to accompany me to buy Downward Spiral on account of the parental advisory label. She asked the clerk if it was for any of “that cop killer stuff,” and when told no, gave approval, as she had no problem with her teenage kids cursing, which I attribute to her being from Brooklyn.
Indeed, at this unprecedented rate we will soon have the largest percentage of non-native born in our nation’s history,”
If you steal a dollar, you are a criminal; if you steal a billion dollars, you are a genius.