When all the non-white people are dead or deported because, obviously, they’re the real terrorists in this country.
When all the non-white people are dead or deported because, obviously, they’re the real terrorists in this country.
Yeah, so much this. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at the part of the article where it’s mentioned that there are older coal miners who are out of work but refuse re-training that would get them a new job. You really can’t complain about being out of a job when you’re unwilling to take assistance being offered to…
I’ll just leave this POLITICO report here for your reading (dis)pleasure: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/08/donald-trump-johnstown-pennsylvania-supporters-215800
Dan Patrick has also made passing a “bathroom” bill in this state a priority. Basically, he’s an asshole.
Wait, you take the muzzle and leash off a rottweiler and are now surprised when it goes on a streak of savaging people? I’m absolutely shocked* by this development.
Not even surprised. It was pretty obvious he would go this route the moment his dumbass son released that email on twitter.
If Mr. Hot Takes says it’s legit then it must be. Kind of surprised president blowhard hasn’t mentioned how great Cillizza is and how he should be running the “terrible, bad, fake news” CNN.
Not really related to this article but can I just say how happy that headlining picture makes me? Mainly because it doesn’t show Cheato or any of his family and, instead, shows a couple of honest and competent men - don’t worry Joe, I see you hiding behind the performer - and one of those men’s wives. Oh, and Chuck…
Most likely it’s because Fox News at one point said it was the best speech ever and that’s all he really cared to hear. I wouldn’t be surprised if his team was feeding him bullshit though.
You don’t want to leave, but you have to. Or you want to leave, really
Just approving / announcing this feels like a crime to me. How about we seize everything Sessions owns, just in case?
When I think of the shape of miserable failure, I think of a fat, image-obsessed fuckwad with a terrible comb-over who uses way too much spray tan, tapes the tail of his Chinese-made-but-American-branded tie to the rest of it to keep it from flapping independently and refuses to ever work out. So, basically, yeah, I…
You do realize those two statements are at odds with one another, right? If the lines aren’t long, why are people jumping them? Look, I completely agree these people should be legal citizens but if they’re already here and are a contributing member of society - as the article says, this guy paid taxes despite being…
Honestly, it’s why Clinton got my vote too. I voted for Sanders in the primaries but I wasn’t going to be one of those “protest” votes who got siphoned off to a third-party candidate. Actually having a truly liberal SC - Garland would’ve been fine but he was clearly a compromise pick - for at least a generation was…
Fuck that guy for wanting to come to a country with better opportunities than he had available back home and trying to make a better life for himself. How dare he chase the American dream as a non-American!
That ancient turtle-faced fucker deserves everything that is coming to him. I still hate that his gamble to block Garland’s nomination to the SC for almost 9 months paid off in spades last November; it’s time to eat some humble pie, you fucks.
Is that really such a bad thing?
Yeah, the calculus of making a deal is a lot different when the people you’re trying to broker a deal with have to answer to a lot of angry individuals - and when some of those elected officials actually care about the people they represent - instead of doing some shady backroom deal with an equally shady contractor…
That Politico article is such a goldmine of his incompetence: he doesn’t care what’s in the bill but desperately wants a win; he invited people to dine with him who were already on board instead of anyone he needed to woo over; etc etc.