Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated!
Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated!
Great, now let’s see if one of them actually gets convicted for once.
I’m pretty sure when Lincoln waxed poetic about keeping your mouth shut and being thought a fool instead of opening it and removing all doubt that he never could’ve imagined that, given another 150 years or so, he would be talking about a president of the United States.
“This is just the area of politics where I think leaders and elites are most disconnected from the people. Not just Republicans but in both parties, in business, in the media, in the academy, culture and so forth.”
Oh I think deep down a lot of Trump supporters knew what they were getting. They also just didn’t care because “libtards” and “sticking it to the SJW”. Unfortunately, democracy doesn’t work in a zero-sum environment.
So it’s more of a cognitive dissonance where the immigrants that work nearby are ok - despite the abuse or just due to ignoring it - but it’s all those other faceless immigrants out there that are the bad ones. My step-dad has this in what I’ve dubbed “generically racist”; he loves to talk one-on-one with just about…
At this point, it isn’t really surprising that the loudest calls for a border wall or cheers for ICE going on their deporting spree come from areas that see little to no immigrants, i.e. upper midwest. These people are so caught up in their insular little world and afraid of what Fox News tells them every day.
Remember, when you hear the words “sources say” from the Fake Media, often times those sources are made up and do not exist.
And then he’ll get pardoned by his dad. It’s a win-win for everybody! Well, everybody with the last name Trump at least.
I always thought the dad was the stupid one in the family but now I see the apple definitely did not fall far from the tree. Although maybe his strategy is get convicted fast enough so that his dad can pardon him while he’s still in office.
IKR? Let’s just overlook the rise of the Tea Party and the Freedom Caucus (AKA Freedom Cocks) and the effect they had on the GOP to force them to stonewall any attempt at bipartisan effort on the ACA. We are literally in a world where words just don’t matter anymore and people just say random shit that half this…
Ah, the good old conservative dilemma: they want to make sure all the children come into this world but they really don’t want to have to pay for any sort of safety net for children who were born to parents who, perhaps, didn’t really want them in the first place.
I hope it will get hung around their necks and bury them but if the past 7-ish years have taught me anything, it’s that with Fox News powering their propaganda network, they have become quite adept at packaging shit like this up and hanging it on the Democrats.
Yeah, it’s honestly equal parts amazing and appalling how these people keep coming up with newer and more devious lies every day about this healthcare rollback. “Choosing” not to buy health insurance because you can’t afford it is not a choice.
Of course he does. Being able to cut taxes for the rich while also massively slashing funding to entitlement programs? Little Paul has had a hard-on for that type of action since at least college.
You’re missing the true hero here: Paul Ryan arguing that the CBO numbers are misleading because the majority of people who would lose coverage would lose it because they chose to.
Sadly, there are at least 65 million of my fellow citizens who disagree with you and are, undoubtedly, not “cool”. And the next three in line for the presidency are Mike Pence, Paul Ryan and Orrin Hatch so even if we did manage to oust Cheato before his term is up, things wouldn’t be much better. Those three,…
I just realized I Freudian-slipped and replaced Trump with country when reading the headline and responding. I still stand by my statement though. There are undoubtedly a lot of good people in this country but there are also way more bad people here than I thought possible and that has made for a very sobering - and…
I don’t know. I’m pretty sure I hate this country more than foreigners do. At least they don’t have to live here every day and constantly try to grapple with the realization that an oversized can of orange spraytan that somehow achieved sentience was elected president.