Remember when the founding fathers created an electoral body whose slate of electors would be chosen by the people and then they, the electors, would get together and discuss the merits of each candidate for office of the POTUS and, from that, decide upon who is competent enough to be president and vice president?
These are the hot takes I come to Jezebel for.
I still want to know what other information about Sessions and Russia, which Comey wouldn’t discuss publicly, led him to believe the AG would recuse himself from the investigation in the near future.
Filed to: PleaseLetThisBeTheBeginningOfTheEndOfThisStupidAdministration
As a developer who just went through a crazy 9-month crunch with ever shifting requirements and targets, I can completely sympathize with what these people had to deal with. It really sucks when you think you’ve finally nailed down an aspect of a project or completed a feature only for your boss to come back and go…
Wait, why didn’t Billy post this? Could he not bear to post something bad about Barcelona?
It’s so funny how I used to think this country was great before Cheato was elected. Now I just find it embarrassing and sad.
No, no. In this age of #MAGA and “America First”, that’s not racist; it’s patriotic! Hooray patriotism!
Why? Two words: Fox News.
“We have asked the Supreme Court to hear this important case and are confident that President Trump’s executive order is well within his lawful authority to keep the Nation safe and protect our communities from terrorism,” said Justice Department spokesperson Sarah Isgur Flores to CNN.
I get the feeling this jazz band is going to be huge after this. Much like the iceberg that torpedoed the Titanic.
I think our mayor was just excited that he got a brief reprieve from dealing with our dipshit governor and his cronies in the capitol.
The list of people I’d like to punch in the face continues to grow every day under this hellish administration. I feel a lot like Arya, just minus the ability to change faces or assassinate people.
Here’s the one nice thing I can say: I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t gotten us all killed already.
I prefer using “I’m rubber and you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks on to you!” instead.
But...but..Trump’s a successful businessman! He knows how to hire the best and the brightest and let them do their thing! That approach is absolutely going to work in a monolithic enterprise like the United States government!
Corollary to that, I’ve got one trip to Spain already planned this year and am considering Iceland and UK for others, partly because I feel compelled to go apologize to the rest of the world for this fucked up situation.