
Considering the GOP-dominated state I live in is about to pass a bill that humiliates transgender children by refusing to allow them to use the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity at school, I’d say it’s a pretty safe assumption that the GOP doesn’t really give a fuck about kids. Well, outside of

I don’t know why but I absolutely adore that Sombra dance. I still want it even though I’m too terrible with her to ever play her for more than one or two matches.

Like President Obama said, we get the politicans we deserve. I can’t think of any group more deserving of a President Trump than all those small-town homogeneous midwest communities who threw a temper tantrum at seeing other groups of people, who had long histories of being systematically repressed and marginalized

Sent this story to a friend and we spent a few minutes coming up with quotes of stupid things he might say as well:

“I will never forget this place.” - Donald Trump at Holocaust memorial

Yes, yes it is.

Hooray, I can cross “Correct grammatical error in Gizmodo Media post” off my bucket list. Next up is getting out of the grays.

President Donald Trump’s already ludicrously self-incriminating response to the controversy surrounding his firing of former FBI Director James Comey took an evil more comical turn on Friday, as the New York Times reported that Trump actually bragged about dismissing Comey over Russia...to the Russians.

Note to self - for future publication:

Normally I’d charge $$$ for this but I’ll post my hot take for free right here on Kinja: Donald Trump is exactly who the majority of the country thought he was - a petulant manchild who has been pampered and catered to his entire life and therefore only gives a shit about one thing: Donald Trump.

I posted this over on another article on Gizmodo but there is almost zero chance Ryan or McConnell want to pursue impeachment proceedings when they’re trying to ram through their kill-the-poor-while-raising-their-taxes bonanza before mid-terms and they potentially lose any Congressional majority.

Good thing nobody listens to him anyways. It’s not like he’s the president of the United...oh shit.

Maybe if the Republicans in Congress would grow a fucking spine, it wouldn’t be as bad. It’s still bad just due to the fact that this spray-tanned molding cheeseball is somehow president but it would be less bad if the members of his own party wouldn’t roll over or trip over their own dicks or sagging tits to try and

Do you really need a How News Journalism Works 101 course? It’s always about getting the “scoop” before the others and, when you’re given less than a day and you know all your colleagues are also cranking away at the same story, what else are you supposed to do?

Cancer’s actually honest about the fact that it wants you to die.

There are some redeeming parts of this state but yes, overall, it is an embarrassment, especially our politicians.

Wow, you read my mind. The excitement that asshole is showing for this is pathetic. Frankly, I’d love to go take a shit on Abbott’s desk but even my fecal matter is too good for him.

Those 06 Finals will forever haunt me. (And I’m sure anybody else who was either a Mavs fan or somehow involved with the Mavs at that time.) 06-11 was just a really weird time with the 06 Finals disaster then the 07 flameout then the relative playoff mediocrity leading up to the 11 playoffs. In hindsight, Brandon

As a Mavericks fan, I’ll always remember game 4 of their series against the Blazers during the 2011 playoffs where he pretty much single-handedly willed the Blazers back to a win. I was pretty despondent after that and questioning why I was a Mavs fan but it worked out OK in the end.

Trump 2020: Grabbin’ America By the Pussy Again!