
Started sleeping naked after I graduated college some 20 years ago and no longer had a roommate sharing my bedroom. It is awesome. There have been one or two incidents where it may have proved inconvenient, but not the end of the world. The most recent was when I was woken up in the middle of the night to a scary

I feel like if this issue is so common you are planning your laundry and sleeping arrangements around it, a trip down to the ole GP may be in order. 

As a host, I certainly wouldn’t expect a guest to bring any of these things, with the exception of one thing: A PHONE CHARGER. Bring your own D*MN PHONE CHARGER!

Thank you for not shoving this into a slideshow.

Short term band-aid... can we have more reservoirs as part of the infrastructure bill? Put some of them in “red states” to help get Republican votes.

Individual action is not going to have anywear near the effect of corporate regulation on climate change.

I always appreciate the irony of a comment about the stupidity of others, complete with a spelling error.

Unfortunately the pandemic has also taught us that our leaders still believe in telling ‘noble lies’ like “oh no, masks won’t help, don’t buy or wear masks” because they didn’t want to create a run on masks. So when people hear “oh no, don’t hoard gas, everything will be back to normal in a couple of days”, they have

Point granted, panthercougar-efendi.

True. But then again, television isn’t quite the same universal cultural link that it used to be. We have more than three channels, now, and the “broadcast day” no longer concludes at 10 pm, not to resume until about 6 am.

You might also enjoy the Patricia Wentworth “Miss Silver” books.  I re-read them every couple of years.

Wow.  How far into the B-roll of blog ideas are we by now?

I almost always send single texts with multiple sentences vs separate texts for each sentence. Maybe this makes me an old, but I prefer receiving texts this way as well. I hate hearing my phone sound off three different alerts for what is essentially one text/thought from a friend. I feel the long text with proper

They do cook which is both helpful and not helpful.

My kids aren’t old enough to go to the store alone. I send them on “missions” to get stuff which helps some but not enough. It's just easier to go alone on Sunday morning. Plus I get alone time.

Not sure about how old your kids are, or where you live, but your kids can help with the grocery shopping; whether it’s just fanning out at the grocery store — “you, get three cans of beans, you, get two lbs. of tomatoes” — or when they’re older, giving them a list and sending them off on their bikes. You can load an

My solution to the leftover-bits-of stuff problem: “Whatever’s in the Fridge Soup”. Tastes different every time!

Man. My parents buy for a few days of meals. And it drives me insane. The only reason they have any thing in the cupboards is because I from time to time buy some can goods for them or some boxes of things to help with meals. Worse yet they are in their 50s. They aren’t old and senile but have just the worst buying

I do meal plans but with two adults who work more than 40/hrs and two kids with activities, homework, etc - Sunday is about the only day I have to grocery shop. A lot of these tips don’t work if you don’t have the free time necessarily to shop at multiple stores/ on more than one day or on the right day.

We’ve saved a small fortune since deciding to meal plan in advance. We plan Sundays through Thursdays, with Fridays and Saturdays open for going out or deciding a meal last minute. I work near a grocery store and it’s on the way home, so I shop for fresh ingredients daily or every other day based on the plan. It may