
Hmmm...my daughter gave me some silicone cupcake liners which I have no use for (I haven’t made cupcakes since she was in grade school!), and I bet these would work great for my preferred soft taco! If they work out, I’ll be very happy I didn’t pass them along in a Good Will box.

That would be more a “cook out” casserole than a barbecue. @liffie420 had the right of it with either a brisket or pulled pork with the accoutrements in layers. Here in the piedmont area of North Caroline a BBQ casserole would go over pretty big, I’m thinking.

We installed a Generac natural gas-run generator when my 95 and 89 year-old parents moved in with us (into a mother-in-law suite in the walk-out basement) due to health concerns. My father has since passed on, but my mother is still here and the generator provides her (and us) with much peace of mind.

3.375% on our mortgage*, baby! Credit unions are wonderful resources.

Right now the Fire 7 is on sale - you can pick up a 32GB one in sage, blue, or plum for $32.00. The black is a lot more than that for some reason, and oddly, the Kindles with only 16GB are $29.99, a savings of a whole $3.00! Amazon is weird sometimes. I have a 32GB blue one, and have almost my entire eBook library

Yes. If for no other reason than the way employees are treated.

Can’t fire guns within city limits. Besides, my windfall apples (outside our fence) are already attracting them. Learning about flowers/shrubs they don’t like is welcome knowledge.

Poop. I forgot to use the link insertion. Sorry.

Redibreeze at AmazonMy husband and I have used this “mouth irrigation system” since 2011. It has gone up in price on Amazon since then, but our original is still going strong. If the noise of the Water Pik as well the chance of mold give you pause, you might consider this option.

The best umbrella I ever bought was from the Metro Department store in Jakarta (during my husband’s 2-year assignment there) in 1994. It has a duck head for a handle, and stays in my car. It outlasted many other umbrellas in use by other members of the family, and now my daughters have both claimed it as part of their

I have a hard time spending $60 on a leather phone case for a phone which will most likely be replaced in a year, and for a model which won’t fit the $60 leather case.

I would be sitting there along with you!

I was eleven, and I’d asked for a skateboard like my best friends in the neighborhood had (this was in the mid 60s). Instead, what I got was an aquarium... but just the aquarium. No fish, no plants, not even any gravel - just that empty glass box. Being a well-raised southern girl child, I of course said thank you.

‘neeps and tatties! My Great-granny Armstrong served this to all who came her house every Thanksgiving! Thanks for the memory...

Recovery for me has long passed, as my “parentification” took place in 1964-1965, when I was in the 4th-5th grade. My father was doing crop-dusting and other ranch work a state away from where we currently lived. We had no nearby relatives to call on, and my mother...went to bed, and if she got up it was while we were

Bought some nicely ripe nectarines, and this cutting method worked! Yay!

I’m going to buy some nectarines this morning and give this a try. Thanks!

This is what we do if our leftovers are more than toaster-oven size: place leftover pizza on cookie sheet or low-rimmed pan. Loosely cover with sheet of foil. Place in regular oven and preheat to 350º. By the time the oven says it’s ready, your pizza should be good to go. Remove it, turn off the oven, and enjoy.

Oh, they didn’t ship anyone off to a nunnery - they shipped her off to another country who wasn’t so hidebound.

I’m sorry I didn’t see this question sooner! These days, most new books are digital owing to decreasing eye sight. The books I have now are well-loved, often read in days past, and old friends who are shelved according to author. I love the feel of books in my hands, and ever so often I’ll read one of my old friends -