
Claire: when I see your name attached to a food hack, I ALWAYS read them. No exception here.

Going through this now. Issue is that THEY have access to all the $ for defending their theft, while I do not have the $ to pay a retainer. They also kidnapped and institutionalized the widow out of state, and are savvy enough NOT to let her return to the State where the suit would need to be filed. Couple that with

I have been pulled over probably as many times as anyone who has been driving for 40 years, but more often than not, I get breaks. My theory is it’s because I am polite, treat them like humans, and are responsive to their questions. I do not give them any reasons to want to search me, and I usually admit I tend to be

When it comes to music, this is such a weird take. Yes, streaming content can disappear, but you can buy non-DRM’d MP3s from places like Bandcamp or artists’ own websites, and you own it forever and it doesn’t take up physical space. As long as you’re mindful about using off-site backup services like Backblaze (I use

If you *know* you won, only tell a spouse or parent (if you trust them, lol...)

This is kind of my plan as well. Most of the money goes into a fund formatted similar to a living trust, which has a steady, if low, monthly interest rate (Last time I checked, it was like 1% above prime, so not a whole lot) which if I’m dumping a few hundred million into, should give me a nice monthly check of a few

Have I got news for you!

Why a video? Just an article would be much better.

I will crush my enemies,

Run silent - run deep.

No. This advice is somewhere between 52% and 92% wrong. Dont look for a lawyer in what is essentially the phone book of lawyers. And dont just look at “big firms,” whose hourly rate also helps pay for the nice wall hangings or their “senior partners,” who probably dont actually practice much law anymore, but have the

There are so many other things to do beyond what you list.

It’s not an investment. It’s gambling. Gambling is a form of entertainment.

When the jackpot gets big enough to be in the news, I buy tickets. For me, it’s worth a few bucks to have the chance to win, and to dream about what you’d do with the winnings.  Dreaming about $1000 isn’t worth a dollar to me.  I don’t dream

You’re talking gasoline pricing while showing an image of a natural gas generator (which is the way to go, by the way).

Now playing

On the “Can you walk away” part - make sure there’s no BS in the paperwork about the builder being able to tell you to pound sand. There’s been so many stories lately of builders telling customers that they’re not going to sell them the house because they can list it on the now-hot market for way more than the

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For anyone who thinks this is complicated... it’s not. It was probably harder to write about it. You really only got two things: prepping the meat, and prepping the grill. Prep this, prep that, then set that sucker on fire and wait. Thats all there is to it.

The lump stuff burns longer and hotter than briquettes, but the lump sizes are absolutely not consistent and big pieces will be going long after the the meat’s done. I use the flat side of a small hatchet, or hammer, to break some of the bigger ones down to a more uniform size (I turn the bag on its side and whack at

Double wrapping the thing in foil will kill the stall pretty well. By that point, you’ve got enough smoke on it anyway.

One tip when buying pork shoulder: Avoid “picnic shoulder,” which is the same basic cut of meat but includes a thick, difficult to remove portion of pig skin.