
‘ Cause the writers are almost always dudes, period.

Recipes make more sense in written form. Heck, even when you have a relative show you how to make something, you still have them write it out for you. Also, it's much easier to take 10 seconds and scan the written instructions to see if you have all the needed ingredients and tools on hand, if you think it's something

And let’s not forget California’s very, very, very least valuable water-hungry crop: Bottled fucking water. Exported to assholes for whom perfectly pure municipal water (or even Britta filtered water) apparently isn’t good enough. Criminal.

The problem is that all of the brains in California are working on designing things like phones and watches to be more expensive than they should be instead of designing things like desalination plants to be cheaper than they are. It’s a technical problem and there has to be a technical solution.

I approve on a focus on simplicity, but I would 100 times rather have a recipe or written guidelines than a video.

False. As has been noted numerous times elsewhere, Scalzi hosted an *open thread* on his blog, where *any eligible person* could tout *their own work.* At no point did Scalzi or Stross ever put together a "full slate" of nominees, let alone recommend that others vote for it.

Eh, you still sound very....desperate? To show me how down-ass and liberal you are, and how you're "not like other girls" and haven't "experienced sexism". The fact that you had to tell me you were into math and sports shows me you have experienced it. Sexism is systemic, and it hurts us all.

Feedly. It's beautiful, well designed visually, and goddamn crashes on me at least 5 times a day. But I can't find anything better.

shrimp and grits. shrimp and grits with cheese and bacon. i suppose you could put veggies in there too if you wanted. actually my workplace has a shrimp and grits bar in the cafeteria once a week (why yes, i am in the south) and it includes topping options like chives, sun dried tomatoes, peppers and whatever else the

My parents have been the caregivers for their parents for the last 10-15 years, so I am pretty sure that they will have good ideas when it comes to their own care. Right now they are more focused on accidental deaths, what should happen to their money, wishes concerning life support, etc. My dad sits down with me

Luckily my parents already had this talk with me & my siblings. They saw how difficult things were regarding my grandparents toward the end (specifically my grandfather, who was receiving "home care" in the form of my grandmother not realizing on several occasions that he had either fallen out of bed or had had yet

I feel this could be a very important article for many people - thank you. I haven't seen this topic addressed as accessibly as this before, and I'm sure many Lifehacker readers are either in this situation or will be soon. I will certainly be forwarding this to many friends approaching these decisions.

Yea 30 seconds is the "that's probably good enough" number. But a lot of people just swish and spit and don't cowboy their way through the burn, thus only killing the weak, gentle germs and letting the powerful warlord germs amass armies of— okay this is going off the rails.

I just read an article (on NPR actually, I believe) about how a lot of states are instituting laws that effectively block people's ability to dictate what should happen to them if they become mentally incapacitated. It focused on a man who has severe dementia, but had previously created some sort of living will asking

"You really think this is driven by sadism? " For at least some of them? Yeah. Consider the anti-choicers who want to force women to birth a fetus that has already died and might cause them to be septic before then, or who will die painfully, shortly after birth. There's nothing but sadism and cruelty in that. There

I honestly don't understand the basis for opposition to assisted suicide. I can at least understand where anti choice or pro death penalty people come from, even if I don't agree with them. But why the fuck would anyone care if someone who is already dying wants to expedite the process? This ranks up there with

Growing up in rural NJ, there was a heavy deer population. We found that another great way to get rid of stumps was to put a salt lick or a mineral block on the stump you wanted to get rid of and the deer would take care of it for you. It takes a while for the deer to work their way through one of those blocks, so

if religion got out of the business of politics and morality-legislation (while being tax-free) i would be more on board with this... but the religious influence politics and make policies based on their religion that affect us all - as a non-believer, i don't tolerate that.

Exposing children to religion not only makes them have a harder time to tell the difference between fiction and reality, but the constant prejudice in common religious practice just makes underdeveloped minds adopt a "holier than thou, and thou, and also thou" mentality even after post puberty. Every day education

As a southerner who could make real roux with his eyes closed (literally - it's done when it smells like popcorn) - let me be the first to call blasphemy on this witchcraft.