
This beats putting a bit of tuna oil on each head (what MY vet recommended) all to pieces!

Now that Vidalia season is upon us, there is no such thing as too much onion. Out of Vidalia season, I would agree though my mother would not. However, I do like shredded lettuce on my burgers in any season.

We adopted an 8 year old Westie last fall, and Benny is a thoroughly wonderful addition to our family of 2 other rescue Westies. (if the picture loads, l-r are Benny, Rosie and Charlie, just after I picked up their toys so they could pull them out again later.)

Oh, those sweet eyes! Congratulations on your lovely dog.

Great tip, especially since roasted vegetable season is never completely over around here.

This recipe looks great, and I —a Duke’s fan for the last 45 years or so— am going to try it tomorrow!

You know, I didn’t “go the blame it on the republicans route” without just cause. Flint’s water system was old and struggling but it wasn’t actively poisoning its citizens UNTIL the not-elected-by-the-citizens guys decided to ‘save money’ by switching from Detroit water to river water.

Oh, man! I grew up thinking otters were all cute, fun-loving little critters! Disney’s Wonderful World of Color has betrayed me.

My mom has a pecan-stuffed date wrapped with cheese dough then rolled in sugar and baked cookie recipe... (edited to add: she calls them “black-eyed susan cookies.”)

It wasn’t city politicians; it was the so-called “emergency manager” put into place by a Republican governor who ruined Flint’s water system.

My husband’s out of the country right now, and missed Valentine’s Day. I went to Dick’s and bought him some new fishing stuff for a late present when he gets back next week. I told the sales person why I was there.

“I hate to tell you this, but places like UC Berkely and Oberlin are as close minded and fundamentalist as any Christian college.”

Shut. Up.

Surely you realize 45* would have relished “stealing” a woman from any younger man - and been unable to resist bragging about it.

Yeah...no. I signed up for the NextDoor thingy and in among the “who’s dog is this?” and “Anybody seen my cat” posts are nothing but non-stop ads. Yuck.

For all the nay-sayers, it’s not just the folding, it’s the folding of your shirts the same size and the pressure-slapping of the folding which gets your shirts flat enough to stack up in much less space. I love my ORIGINAL flip-fold board, and use it every load of laundry I do.

For all the nay-sayers, it’s not just the folding, it’s the folding of your shirts the same size and the

Don’t forget the woman who never attended a public school in her life, nor sent her own children to one...to run the Dept of Education.

That would come as a surprise to the “three-peat” guy, wouldn’t it?

Apples and oranges, Linda.

I wonder if there would be a way to make this truly instant by putting non-fat dry milk into the mixture? And if so, in what quantity?