
Dog shows prohibit the exhibition of any dog which has been neutered or spayed. I wonder that they continue encouraging the practice of cropping ears and docking tails! If a breed has naturally pricked ears (such as my Westies) and naturally short tails (again, my Westies) then that should be the standard. No cosmetic

One of these days I would enjoy introducing you to my West Highland White Terriers, both rescues, both under 30 lbs, and neither one an asshole.

Precisely. We take out our kitchen trash (the one which becomes the most odiferous) every night, and recycle bags other stuff comes in for liners. When I don’t have a liner bag, newspaper helps — though with this option I usually have to rinse out the bin. But I wouldn’t mind the essential oil option - I like natural

Speaking only for myself, I appreciate articles like this which outline exactly what taxpayers like me and my husband can expect from this abomination of a tax bill.

May Ajit Pai be cursed throughout his life so that nothing he sets his hand to may succeed, and may the Seven Terriers of Hell perch on his shoulder and bark in his ear all the days of his life.

Nope. This is the narrative they are using to divide the Left even further. Check all the fake anti-fa tweets coming from Russian bot farms, for instance. And all the “Bernie bro” crap was ginned up for the most part. I’m not saying there weren’t some disenchantment here and there, but nothing near what was portrayed

I freeze my extra sauce I might need in smaller amounts in muffin tins, then pop them out and store in a freezer bag.

Wow: lighten up, Francis. /Stripes

Our new favorite set is the nested glassware because it stacks neatly in the cabinets, the lids don’t warp when used in the microwave, and we like glass better than plastic for food storage. It is a good-sized set (4 containers + stackable lids), and though is out of stock at their site:

Our new favorite set is the nested glassware because it stacks neatly in the cabinets, the lids don’t warp when used

To me, W always exemplified the so-called “cool guys” who like to entertain their hangers-on by making fun of everyone else. Witness all the ‘funny’ names he hung on people, even those who worked tirelessly on his behalf.

You forgot “rich.” The first four are prerequisite, but unless the fifth is also fulfilled, that particular demographic is merely useful rather than “one of us.”

wkiernan, exactly — we have 45*’s supporters blaming President Obama for the Katrina debacle as well as the crash!

sauvage, and we need to make sure the freaking Texas School Board can’t rewrite history books for the entire country.

Maybe you have crappy GS leaders where you are. Where my granddaughter lives, they had an outstanding program and got to do all kinds of “cool s***” which was not “typical ‘woman-like’ things” such as learning to tan a cowhide or building a functional chicken coop. They fulfilled several community service projects,

You and me both! Since we seem to have quite a few power outages around here due to our power cos. dragging their feet on moving fragile cable underground, outages will keep on happening. Having such a good (and I’ll admit it, pretty cool) backup charging source (other than my solar one) would be great.

You and me both! Since we seem to have quite a few power outages around here due to our power cos. dragging their

See that pretty little Westie on the right? Her name was Annabel, and she was a rescue. She died of a injection site tumor less than 3 years after she came to live with us. Fortunately, the little dog on the left (Abbie) had a better immune system mainly because she came from an excellent breeding program, and lived

Or you can do like I do and pay for titer testing every year to be sure the immune levels are at a good level. If they aren’t, a shot is next on the agenda. If they are, see you next year. My state (NC) also allows for a 3-year rabies vaccine, which is the only shot we ALWAYS get for our dogs.

e.g. Marsha Blackburn. Or Phyllis Schafly.

Gave these a couple of years ago as little ‘extra’ stocking stuffers to every driver in our immediate family. Fairly inexpensive peace of mind, KWIM?

As a child in the 50s I was left in the car while my mother ran into the store. No baby seat, not even seatbelts. At 18 mos, I knocked the car out of gear and “went” into the store to find my mother — through the store’s front window. She never, ever left me or my eventual 4 siblings in the car without an adult again.