
The difference being that Jon Stewart actually legally changed his name; Jindal did not. He just runs politically by his nickname, and is still legally Piyush.

Y’all, my family’s favorite cool weather dessert is Dump Cake.

My son-in-law just finished his 20 years in the USAF. He was lucky to have enlisted when he did, as the G.I. Bill as it stands now is less than half what he was able to use (rather, my grandson did). He was pretty much Republican when he joined, but actually living under various Republican controls of the House which

I think Justin Wilson said that very thing.

I don’t often send $ in large amounts to campaigns other than my state critters, but I just sent $100 to Kathryn Allen, UT-3rd, who is aiming to put Chaffetz out of a job. I want to help her. A lot.

I sincerely hope not.

If they “look great,” it’s most likely because the most strenuous thing he ever does with them is pick up a golf club, and he gets a manicure every other day. He has the hands of a Victorian lady in England’s peerage who doesn’t ride to hounds.

I’d like to know how any girl or woman would know who had or didn’t have one organ or another - it’s not like the men’s rooms out there; there are either stalls, or only one single toilet which allows one person at a time. Just such a BS “fear” these transphobes are throwing up out there.

I gave my husband one of these for Christmas several years ago, and when we moved back to NC, he packed it himself to come in the car with us. 

Have to agree with how easy scratch brownies are to make, and having never tried the Ghirardelli mix, I like scratch best. But I’m always willing to try something new.

If you want to be able to use your muffin ice cubes immediately instead of having to let them thaw a bit to be able to get them out, use silicon muffin pans instead of metal ones. Easy-peasy!

My son. *blush*

Not if the only brushes available don’t work with your hair like your old faithful does. It’s well worth a few minutes maintenance and a sacrificed freebie toothbrush from the dentist.

Apples do not equal oranges. Put away your straw man.

Sure there is: let her compete.

If the Trib wanted clickbait so badly, the ‘married’ part should have been parenthetical at best, and at the end of the headline/article. Instead, most of it was taken up with Bears this, and Bears that.

You only pay to freeze it once; after that, it’s just maintenance. Which, as you said, it will hold more ‘cold’ and won’t heat up as quickly when the door is opened. And as someone upthread mentioned, you have easily thawable water in case of an emergency. I do this, and kept records just to see what the cost

why would you ship anything prior to receiving payment?

Life Without Parole is society’s judgement that a criminal has lost his right to participate in that society. The crime was bad enough to remove him for society’s safety and health. But LWOP should be just exactly that, no ‘good time,’ no ‘compassionate parole,’ whatever. A criminal commits a ‘death penalty crime,