
The Green Mile was wonderful, and made me sad. :(

I’m surprised they didn’t already have one of Johnny Cash.

I... don’t know what I was expecting. Certainly not backhanding the poor dog.

In my previous post I stated in was in the Post article, which is linked above.

You said, “upset that a trans woman walked into the me s room,” but that’s not what happened in this case. A transboy took a selfie in the boys’ bathroom and posted it somewhere. The cis boys saw it and this was their response.

You can find it in the frozen veg isle, along with mashed cauliflower, neither of which I’ve tried. Thinking about it, though. I love mashed potatoes, but it’s a huge carb bomb.

Hah yeah it does actually look like the suggested CauliCrumblies in that pic.

The Post piece says they “were also disciplined for ‘attempting to enter the girls’ bathroom’,” but can’t provide further information because the school limited that due to privacy.

What kind of protest were these kids pushing with this? Were they trans women who were upset about not being able to use the girls room?

We don’t advocate violence as a means for students to attain safety.

“... in districts like mine or Alexandria’s... in those districts.”

Hell, one of Goop’s contributing MDs thinks that AIDS is NOT caused by HIV.

N64 is considered “retro” or “vintage” now?

Woops, you’re right! Thanks for that catch. (Way past editing time, though.)

Well, now we know one reason it was sold in an opaque foil pouch instead of a clear plastic bottle...

From these bits:

These K.K. Slider covers never. get. old.

Mashed potatoes are my favorite food. I would have to struggle mightily not to eat these, but eventually good sense would prevail. They could be perfectly fine, and the motivation innocent, but you just never know. It sucks that we have to have that mentality.

Sorry to hear about your optomophobia (I made that up; dunno if it’s a thing). I went today in fact and was quite relieved to discover that, through the miracle of technology, I didn’t have to do the air puff test. I always ended up reflexively blinking, so the person had to do numerous tries. (I don’t know how new

Your day-of nerves might cause you to forget everything you wanted to ask, so it helps to come armed with a written reminder.