
I have always had the feeling, and maybe I’m wrong, that in America, the conception of men is a bit more liberated than in France. In France, you can represent two women having tenderness between them. Man and woman, no problem. But two men? Why would this be a problem? I don’t understand this. There is

You read it completely different than I. To me, it seemed more like he was presenting the realities of male prostitution in France and trying not to pass judgement or let his own personal views color that reality.

Oh thank god. I thought I was just imagining having seen it as Cup o’ Noodles at some point in my life. I always liked the kind with the tiny shrimp; I haven’t had any in years and years so didn’t notice the name change when it happened.

Other than the first episode, it’s All-Access just like ST: Discovery. They did a similar thing there with having the first half of the pilot on TV. I was pretty excited when I first learned of this series, but am not paying for the service, so I’ll go without.

This was just a quick Google with “bald scalp care.

This was just a quick Google with “bald scalp care.

The council voted Tuesday to withhold a 2026-28 contract extension for airport restaurants that don’t operate seven days a week; Chick-fil-A is closed on Sundays to allow employees to “rest and worship as they choose.”

It’s basically making the r silent while the ai bleeds into a bit of an e. I’d say it’s more like millionehz.

Colonel McEntire is my one true Colonel.

I don’t usually read the bylines on Gizmodo pieces. I read the first paragraph and knew this was HamNo, so didn’t bother with the rest. Being a contradictory jerk is sort of his shtick.

It’s great that your periods are regular. Not all of us are so blessed. I go through periods (haha...) of irregularity and have ever since I started getting my period. A couple of months ago, I was early by about three days. Before I used an app, I did use a paper calendar. However, I prefer an app because it does the

If he’s a “young man” then she’s a “young woman.” Saying “young girl” makes it sound like she’s 6, or something; they look the same age.

He probably hates that the sport he’s dedicated his entire career to doesn’t get a 10th of the respect the men’s programs do.

“There is no public registry of skin color in Hungary...”

Just FYI, you can’t delete Kinja comments at all. The best you can do if you’ve made some sort of error is what you did: edit it within the time window. If it’s out of the time window, you’re out of luck. In that case, you might try replying to yourself in the hopes that people see the update.

That header pic is brilliant.

This was a perfect parody of game NPC interactions. I’m the type to talk to everyone at least once and even make rounds again on returning to base, but sometimes, yeah, I just wanna kill some zombies, man.

ZL: A cross between a sandwich and a taco. A tac-wich.

Thank you for that explanation.

Again, how are they going to identify those people except to ask for papers to confirm vaccination, which he explicitly stated they would not do?

Auto insurance can be enforced in action if the person is stopped by the police, who ask for proof of insurance. In addition, some states require some form of insurance in order to obtain a driver’s license. If you don’t do any of those things and get behind the wheel, you’re taking a risk every single time because