Mendoza Line

Michigan fans, after the latest mollywhopping at the hands of Ohio State: “Well, it’s not that big of a deal, we’re a basketball school.”

When you’ve been able to buy solutions your whole life, the concept that others can’t do the same is simply alien.

Adam you should be far more worried of what I can do with a 50 dollar home depot gift card than what I can do with my laser printer.

His QBs always stood for the National Anthem.

Yeah, with all the talk about how “we” need to feel for all these old people, whose world is just changing so rapidly, and are lashing out because they feel backed into a corner and attacked?

Oh, man, I bet he’ll Say Anything to make this go away. If this is his Identity and he’s just showing his True Colors, well, that just demonstrates a terrible lack of Class. What a Gross Pointe to make, especially in today’s political climate.

John thought he could Say Anything, but it turns out this is gonna be One Crazy Summer for him and he’s soon gonna believe he’s Better Off Dead....

You'd be an improvement over Trump. 

shit if you were polling at .200 you’d be in second place

“But the pattern raises a threshold question of who the organization is serving,” Varley told the Post. “Is it being run for the benefit of the gun owners in the country and the public? Or is it being run as a business generating enterprise for officers and employees of the organization?”

Well the restaurant just hates it when you push those things together without asking.

Okay, off topic, but I saw the other day, you discussing guns, and that you own and like them.

This is hilarious and wrong and also a bit unsettling because I’m a straight male and would find her attractive if her evil was not manifest in her hair, makeup and wardrobe. Still funny though.

Thank you(?). I thought the joke was pretty clear. That Saban DOESN’T miss it because he currently is one. Maybe we’re not doing phrasing anymore?

Him and most of Alabama with the exception of Saban.

Drake: I’m going to be the most dislikable courtside presence ever!

It’s time like this when Donald Sterling misses being a minority owner.

No they don’t. They’re their teachers, not their parents or bodyguards.

That’s actually not true. The Supreme Court has upheld that at no time is any law enforcement officer required to put their lives in danger to protect any citizen. If someone walks down the main street of Mayberry shooting everyone, Sheriff Andy and Deputy Fife have zero obligation to come out and start trading shots