Mendoza Line

I get what she says it’s supposed to do, but let’s look at the facts.

You can sell a gun online, but you cannot ship it to a persons house. You can meet in person to exchange the weapon, or you can have it shipped to a gun store, where all applicable federal and state laws would apply.

The NRA doesn’t care about gun owners. Even if their membership increases, the money won’t go to support gun rights. This article supports alot of what I’ve been hearing in the community for years.

1. Final Fantasy 6

Mrs. Harris may be full of shit.

The NRA is dying. The new Yorker has an article on its website.


The one in the cubby hole is named Applesauce

That's Village of the Damned.

This guy has been looking at to many instagram gun memes.

I’ve stated this opinion before- Humiliation sex fetish. He probably wears a chastity belt.  Dont judge them.

Fuck cats.

Income insufficiency sounds like you just print more money and hand it out.

Look at open secrets for donors for top congressional Dems.  Especially Pelosi.

So you’re telling me that all Democrats should run the same race? I’ll admit that I have never visited either Minnesota’s 5th district or North Carolina’s 9th district, but apparently the 5th is 100% urban and D+26, while the 9th is 35% rural and R+8. That is all from Wikipedia- not the best source, I know- but I have

That wasn't a Republican plan or Democrat plan.  It was a health industry plan.  Get more people on policies, and then claim they needed to jack up prices.  

The federal government will be looking for people experienced in medical paperwork to process claims.  Maybe not all of them, but many of them.

It's like he thinks hes not running for congress in an ultra liberal, ultra diverse part of New York.  What the fuck is his problem?

I'm still waiting for the hit piece where you attack her for owning a firearm for personal protection.

NICS is required by federal law. Some states created state agencies to act as a point of contact that includes other state databases, but trust me, the go through NICS too.