Mendoza Line

Thank you for listening.

They do.  It's called NICS.

Federal Law requires all FFLs (gun shops) to have customers fill out a form 4473 and submit to an instant background check (NICS) for any firearm. You can be approved, denied, or delayed. If you are delayed for three days or more, the gun store can sell you the gun. This is designed so that no president can give an

I wonder if somebody is convincing these guys to run to make someone else stand out more

The NRA supports the federal red flag law.

Since when? If she bought at an FFL she would have filled out a 4473.

I still get a semi chub everytime.

I’m still in the exploratory phase. Trying to find donors. All the Big Pharma and the Healthcare money has already been sucked up.

“Swalwell has proposed an assault weapon-ban and buyback program to get military grade weapons out of circulation”

Take the person, leave the gun. If a person is a threat to themselves or others, they should not be on the street. Take them off the street. Have them evaluated. Leave their property in the hands of their family.

“He also addressed the country’s failing under Trump to serve as a global leader on democracy and human rights.”

Does anyone else remember that Joe Biden was for un electable because he plagerised a stump speech the last time he ran for president? Does anyone else remember he was chosen for vice- president because he couldn't stand in Clinton's way? Why does any of this matter? Is this what the Mandela Effect is like?  Am I the

My guess is that the AR-15 is there because he fell for the lie that an AR is the best weapon for home defense. The .223 round is so small and travels so fast it disintegrates when it hits a solid object. This is supposed to prevent overpenetration and accidentally shooting a neighbor. This only works if you dont

If that happened, the story would not appear on a kinja site

If Blue Dogs want to be fiscally conservative, then instead of cutting funding they should be passing laws to help rebuild families and neighborhoods. Ending the war on drugs and removing the felony question from all job applications. Commute sentences for non violent drug offenders. Stop paying private jails. Use

He is absolutely right to give a moderate answer. Open borders should be the last on the list behind ending privilege, Medicare for All, and taxing the rich. We should take in those who need help but, we have many Americans we should be lifting up first. Calling for open borders now is not only putting the cart before

“I know all the best Jewish politicians. Take this Bernie guy. He’s one of yours.  Great guy.  To cheap to buy a comb, though.

It did a lot of lifting for his career, too.

They want her to drop out and endorse Bernie.