
I hadn’t considered a wrap, but looking at how detailed the pattern is, I’m 99% sure you are spot-on. That’s way too good to be any two-bit stencil job and you can see pattern elements repeat.

Arthur Andersen was one of the Big Four and ended up sold for scrap value.

In a proper world, Equifax would end up in bankruptcy 10 times over because of this, not just for the incompetency but double as a warning to other companies.

Didn’t save one, but started one.

Is it wrong to not trust dealers that plant enormous flagpoles and ridiculously large American flags around their dealership? I’m patriotic and I love to see our flag displayed, but when I see flags the size of circus tents flapping over a car lot, it feels like the dealer is cheapening and exploiting an important

Change the import laws, already.

I think they changed that a few hours after they got openly shamed for it.

I foresee a retirement filled with crime. Distilling E100 in the woods, hacking in manual cut outs for cars connectivity, installing illegal human controls, and manual overrides for anything that challenges the complete control of the driver. Just come to my bodega and order a tuna sandwich with no crust, we;ll hook

Dear Lifehacker,

I too used to drive an old 7 series. It was a hand me down originally bought for $1500 for my sister, given to my brother, then given to me. I drove it in high school and in college and all people would say was “Wow, you drive a BMW?”

It’s the kind of math you do when you want to further a narrative, my friend.

maybe, fuel?

*reads down the page, enjoying everything*

By that logic, I should be legally justified and defended in creating an app that auto-generates an invoice to the ad-loaded site for their use of my bandwidth that I have to pay for, when I visit their site. I mean, if they’re going to force me to download garbage ads using my paid - and limited - bandwidth, I should

A state-of-the-art shopping mall is called the fucking internet. The only malls that are flourishing in Southern California are ones like The Grove, The Americana and one’s like this one Which Irwindale’s demographics could not support.

Taking that Ferrari in trade was a bad idea....

The UAW have themselves to blame. They have created a “Us vs Them” mentality between auto works and manufacturers over the years. The “I’ll take this company down if they don’t give me what I want” mentality is so ingrained in the UAW membership, why on Earth would any auto manufacturer want them? Why did the lose

As a Houston resident, I have to agree that moving anything related to commercial aviation to Chicago is a mistake. Unless you like United and their “That’s the Chicago Way!” brand of customer service.

I always find it funny when dealership employees or any employee for that matter make fun of people who can’t afford a $200k car or other pricy stuff. Dude, you are a sales employee. You can’t afford that shit either, so don’t act all mighty.

Now I want pizza. Thanks Alan.