
Capitalist pig! You obviously don’t know about our five-year plans!

The only way this game can be realistic is if all of the economic/production data given to the player is completely fabricated and over-inflated, but you don’t know by how much. Like you think you have X units of steel being produced, but the reality is you have a fraction of that. And do that across all of your input

Dude, he just wrote the article, don’t shoot the messenger.

Egotistical prick.

I knew this was going straight to the top of the conspiratorial pile the moment I saw the images of the burn cloud. And sure enough, within 24 hours of the incident I scrolled through dozens of tiktoks, shorts, and reels of people making any claim they could shoehorn into the trainwreck.

This is a real tragedy and so

What I find off-putting are anonymous Twitter users who think a streaming subscription entitles them to have an opinion on where Badgley puts his hands or mouth or crotch.

Jezebel has it’s own issues re: parasocial obsessions w/celebrities.

So much of this is disturbing.

Holy moly, this story is glorious.

Glad to know we’re not the only primates hip to the glory hole 

I can, but in your scenario, the judgement would be that the man is a borderline pedophile skeeze and the 24-year-old woman is being taken advantage of even though she’s an adult capable of making her own decisions about who she dates and consents to have sex with. Duh!

This pre-frontal cortex argument is another argument that needs to go away. It’s so laden with problems that I’m surprised that the person who wrote this article — a person who is presumably over the age of 25— doesn’t understand the nuance of its danger and its absurdity.

I think everyone who contributes to this site needs therapy. You collectively have a problem.

Jesus. Can anyone imagine Jezebel publishing an article about a 51 year old man dating a 24 year old woman and asking how the man is able to tolerate the young woman and speculating about her sexual prowess? 

Just remember: chiropractics is pseudoscience and anyone who purports to practice it is a quack.

These sorts of “gotcha” questions say almost nothing about people’s actual knowledge of female anatomy, but everything about the culture of the acceptability of saying “I don’t know” to a question about female anatomy.

Man, I Feel Like I Know This Woman

Is anyone going to mention that he’s EIGHT YEARS older than she is!??!

You either die a hero or you live long enough to see Jezebel stop hating Anne Hathaway.