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Come within battery-whippin range and say that

I personally thought that her scenes with Vader in Twilight of the Apprentice (and also Obi-Wan’s very derivative scenes in the finale of his own show) actually enhanced Luke’s story. They were the two people in the entire galaxy that knew him best, that fought alongside him, that truly grew up with him etc, and every

In 2016, Cambridge Analytica took a ton of data from Facebook and provided it the Internet Research Agency in Russia. The IRA used that data to disseminate false information and manipulate public opinion in swing states. That arguably led to big enough swings in votes to put Donald Trump into office.

“There is no God - that’s why I stepped in” is one of the coldest lines in cinematic history.

Almost 20 years later, and history has validated my rabid insistence that the Zune was superior to the iPod. My middle school self is beaming.

This is an excellent write-up. I already enjoyed this season more than most, but you made some pretty good points contextualizing character decisions that are making me appreciate the season even more. 

Do we really need to do this again? Report on every word out of Trump’s mouth? Did we learn nothing from 2016 at all? Seriously, what is news worthy about these comments? I’m convinced the Jez writers not-so-secretly hope that Trump wins the election again.

Gen Z will save us

BBLs always seemed remarkably silly to me anyway. Surely it would be cheaper and easier to hire a personal trainer and go do squats at the gym than to hire a plastic surgeon to have a potentially life threatening surgery that often looks absurdly unnatural anyway.

I hope that this show is secretly about Ahsoka trying to bring Chopper to justice for his war crimes

I’ll be beer bonging a couple extra Buds this weekend for the movement

This confirms that there were no T-Rex’s in Great Britain

And now, to present a counterpoint:

Pretty problematic age gap between those two tbh

You will live long enough to see man-made meats beyond your comprehension.

Same vibe as people who saw her necklaces and immediately started thinking of BDSM

They look surprisingly similar to the spacesuits use for the Mars mission in For All Mankind to me