
I can already picture the attack ads bringing up the time he cheated on Topanga

I always found the original 2D Budokai series to be far more fun to play. The ultimate attacks were insanely satisfying to land.

Build giant air conditioners powered by volcanoes. There is no potential downside to this and the plan will work perfectly.

I said it a year ago when Ukraine was invaded, but the writers at Jez desperately need to take like a single international relations course. Or even just find a news source beyond People Magazine. 

The article didn’t explain it well, but I had a hunch that the issue is time dilation, rather than debate about whether or not a non-24 hour system should be utilized, so I checked the ESA site:


That’s exactly what I was thinking, actually. Fighters generally put on as much muscle as possible to gain a strength advantage, and then try to lose as much water weight as possible before weigh-in to be able to be placed in a smaller weight class. Having a ton of diarrhea for a day before weigh-in would be a huge

This will be purchased exclusively by high school wrestlers trying to make weight

Honestly, that’s a pretty odd gamble for the movie business. It takes years to make a movie, so most of these actors won’t actually be teens by the time they get a second movie.

Blonde hair is for women and children. Grown men are brunettes.

You know, it really is a shame that Clooney was only in Batman and Robin, because that man in his prime looked like the platonic ideal of Bruce Wayne. 

There’s a really good documentary about Cheyenne Mountain called “Stargate SG-1", you should check it out!

I hope that this one was aliens. 

Luckily chiropractors aren’t real doctors

You cannot convince me that Emily isn’t trolling everyone with this article. I refuse to believe it.

They should have set it a year later so that we could see a true Hollywood ending - Brady falling to the prince that was promised, Nick Foles.

something something cultural impact something something nobody makes avatar memes

The best part is them completely ignoring that Vanessa Hudgens is also dating somebody significantly younger than herself

Austin Butler looks like an evil clone of Cary Elwes