
Stupid, naturally safe Helium

Get ready for more of this, as PE ghouls and other such “investors” race to do this to the interior of the country.

The concept that the Navajo nation somehow owns the moon is a bit crazy.

I got a Community notification for this?!

Phases 4 and 5 will hereon in be referred to as the “gas leak phases”

This is why you’re shadowbanned.

Dear government of Malaysia: If you really wanted $2.7 million from me, you shouldn’t have let me leave the country”. 

You mean people who see a black and blue dress can’t color-correct an underexposed image in their mind.

cough cough

After reviewing the thin paste we recovered from the wreckage, we believe the person it came from is DEAD.

On the plus side, ChatGPT probably did know that the man’s name is Brooker, not Booker.

Armored women lyin’ about distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!

All 163 voting-age Zoomers in Montana will be fired up

You’ve argued that all mainstream media is “state-affiliated.” I would argue that’s pretty reductionist, even accepting that capitalism serves as the de-facto frame for most reporting and that media can’t truly be “neutral.”

“State-affiliated” implies a pretty significant level of editorial oversight and control by a g

Stating, as I did in the other article, because it’s a lesson a lot of people online have not yet internalized:

I’m a black pediatrician and something signficant is missing from this story. The reasons why black families choose midwives and home births are unfortunate and justified by how they are treated. And jaundice is a common condition that doesn’t require treatment...until it does. And then when it does, it needs to be

Folks, you can just...not write about Trump. The “#resistance celebs wrote some not particularly clever tweets about Trump and therefore this is ‘entertainment news’” angle is fooling no one. And it’s not as if this is driving engagement—you published this article two hours ago and there are a grand total of 6

“a nonsensical, visually unappealing abomination.”

The only Anheuser-Busch beer I’ll drink by choice is Michelob, but I’ll have one of those in support if I can find one. Friends don’t let friends Bud Light.