
“I don’t like this person, and therefore I will accuse them of pedophilia and grooming with no evidence”

Bringing back Vine might actually be the first logical decision he’s made in this saga. There’s obviously still a market for shortform video, Vine has a built in audience/nostalgia component, and there are legitimate national security concerns involved with Tiktok at the moment.

This propaganda technique is known as a “Reverse Spacey”

Magneto’s background as a holocaust survivor who is still physically capable in the modern day was even strained when the original X-Men movie premiered, so I’ve personally been thinking that they should update his background to make him a survivor of the Rwandan genocide. You could keep the same basic

“Childhood cartoon characters...but DARK and GORY”

The English - they managed to bastardize their own language.

I wonder how long this deal was in the works/if Gunn has already created some sort of creative outline for the DCEU. Peacemaker notably had a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it reference to the plot of Black Adam, long before that movie even released a trailer.

This is anecdotal of course, but at least in southeastern PA it seems like their numbers have dwindled rapidly. They were like a biblical plague in 2020, but their numbers seemed to drop off significantly in 2021, and this past summer they were barely noticeable.

Kinda sounds like a perfect superhero movie to be honest. You just shut off your brain and watch a bunch of brawny action figures whooping ass and being charming for two hours with a solid soundtrack.

I played an ungodly amount of Red Alert 2 as a kid. I’m still disappointed that the C&C+Red Alert remaster they released a few years ago didn’t result in a RA2 remaster as well.

The only bad part of this article is the negative slant against day drinking - the absolute best kind of drinking. Don’t let Alex Jones take that from you.

You’re probably asking in bad faith, but I’ll answer anyway - no, international aid is not about control. It’s about stability.

The fact that Ryan Reynolds is very mean to rapists just makes him more likeable tbh. Also:

Putting aside that Shatner’s actual point is kind of getting ignored here - there is absolutely ENORMOUS benefit in space research for us down here on Earth.

Ignoring the fact that communism isn’t actually being held up as a good thing in American schools, he seems pretty happy about Chinese communists building his cars! So good in fact that he suggested that capitalist, democratic Taiwan cede control to the Chinese communist party that has never ruled Taiwan for even a

I don’t disagree with anything you said - obviously the Christian fundamentalism is a much larger issue in our society. I just thought it was a fairly amusing parallel. They’re both pretty stupid beliefs and anybody that truly believes in them is at least slightly unhinged from reality.

Overall I haven’t been a huge fan of this show - a lot of the praise seems wildly overblown and any time someone criticizes it, they’re shot down either with “it’s a comedy, it doesn’t have to make sense!” or it’s implied that they’re on the same side as the trolls who hate anything starring a woman (which absolutely

I do find it kind of amusing that the front page of Jez is currently promoting both this article that (rightfully) mocks crazy religious beliefs while also promoting an article that seems to unironically support burning sage to ward off evil spirits

Europe was working as quickly as possible to wean themselves off of Russian gas anyway, and NS2 was likely dead in the water. I could see him saying fuck it and having it bombed just to sow confusion and make people start questioning the US’s motives.

I would like to state that although I think the article above is part of a string of gross ethnocentrism, the dipshits replying to me whining about “wokeness” are even worse. Go blow your noses on your Trump 2020 flags you fucking crybabies.