
American Hustle was a convoluted mess - the plot made zero sense (and I dare anyone to break it down - you simply cannot).

Cherelle Griner is basing that off of nothing but fear. But do you know who already has been sent to Russian labor camps? Over one and a half MILLION Ukrainians who were kidnapped at gunpoint and forcibly deported, including over a quarter of a million children:

As a (relatively) young millenial, it always amazes me how many of my peers will fall for obvious bullshit rumors about Gen Z. It really was not all that long ago that the media was making similar wildly incorrect claims about millenials. How do you not see the pattern?

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I just spent 10 minutes trying to find the clip of Doug from Weeds saying “what kind of grown man has blonde hair?”, but this will have to do apparently. 

And the US and NATO promised not to expand further east in the 90s.

Fairly sure the US didn’t put nukes into Ukraine. In fact, the US negotiated the removal of nuclear weapons from Ukraine in the 90s in exchange for security guarantees that Russia would not attack. Interesting how that worked out.

“Russia leaves if that is the will of the people” is painfully stupid. If they had the will of the people then they wouldn’t have needed the fucking tanks and torture rooms.

I actually prefer that there’s black Valyrians because it’s the only way I can tell all of these fucking blonde people apart 

“Business accepts millions of dollars to sell a product that they already make. Therefore, the CEO is qualified to write up a peace plan for the largest armed conflict in Europe since WWII”


Not gonna lie, it’s kinda sad to think about how this announcement article would’ve easily cracked 1,000 comments on AV Club five years ago or so. The commentariat really has died off

It’s actually a common misconception that Kaczynski was involved with MKUltra. He did indeed participate in an abusive psychological study at Harvard, but it was completely unrelated to anything the CIA was doing, and there were no drugs involved. The professor who ran the experiment had worked with the OSS in the

At first glance it may seem like the rise of a certain orange creature would be a better academic fit here, but let us, for a second, really examine our own pasts.

I can’t help but wonder about the social lives of people who insist every close relationship in media must be romantic or sexual in nature (i.e. every shipping fandom in history). It’s like they’re completely incapable of recognizing platonic relationships whatsoever.

I mean at first glance this definitely sounds like the CIA is just up to whacky shit “The Men Who Stare at Goats” style, but I do think it makes quite a bit of sense for the US government to fund this kind of research.

That’s what I’ve been hung up on in all of the defenses of this movie. “It’s parody!” Okay, how is it parody? How does it make fun of the Joker or Batman or anything of the sort? The fact that the Joker is trans does not alone make it parody any more than making Superman a communist makes Red Son a parody. Making it a

God I love comic books.

Well yeah - a drama usually has likeable characters.