
A while back, John Cleese penned an Elseworlds title for DC about Superman’s ship landing in England rather than Kansas. The character is relatively the same, but the gossip and tabloid culture of the UK ends up causing him to leave the country for the US in disgust.

I’m enjoying that a 15 year old movie bringing in $30 million in one weekend has everyone suddenly reconsidering their “lol avatar 2 is gonna bomb, the first left no impact” hot take that I’ve been hearing for a decade straight.

A quick google brought up this:

Are you sure that there aren’t any American women that we can center this story around instead? That was really the highlight of all the Ukraine stories on Jez.

But I have been told that Gen Z are all progressive heroes that will save us from capitalism?

Da, excellent point, comrade!

Personally, I love that we now live in a world where I can use vibrating anal beads as an excuse for my defeats at the hands of my rivals. 

Pet peeve - although I didn’t love TLJ, it infuriates me to no end how even the people defending it seem to completely misinterpret the not-at-all-sublte themes of the film. “Let the past die; kill it, if you have to” is said by the literal villain of the film, a genocidal maniac who has responsible for the deaths of

The CGI artists used for Roy Kent all got headhunted by Marvel

Now playing

Funny enough, it’s not entirely true that it isn’t available to stream - the entire movie has been uploaded to Youtube several times, seemingly without issue. This subtitled version has been up for almost three years now:

I’ll always get a kick out of how the “male” and “female” designations for wiring has some pretty blatant sexual implications. My inner 14 year old giggles a bit whenever it comes up and is always surprised at how little it’s mentioned.

I mean honestly the quality level isn’t necessarily new - it definitely has ebbed and flowed over the years as various writers cycle in and out.

Yeah, it’s a relatively arbitrary cutoff that doesn’t make a ton of sense, especially considering it would be a meaningless distinction outside the US. I totally get them wanting a man taller than them or just having physical preferences in general, but it really is surprising just how specific some people can get

Short kings exist aplenty in the world of riches and privilege. But some lesser known tech bros, finance guys, actors, and wealthy soft bois are going to extreme lengths to leave their short king status behind for the new shiny mantle of…slightly taller king.

As a guy on the shorter end - I can vouch that it is very much a real thing. The red pill dudes are whackjobs that need to get over and develop a real personality, but it is absolutely true that some women will even be very comfortable being straight up rude about it to your face.

I think She-Hulk has been kind of mediocre with some bright spots so far. Maslany is a great actress and is pretty charming in the role, but I genuinely think that if this wasn’t an MCU property then it would be getting shredded by reviewers. The acting and characters are good. The dialogue is...not great, and I think

These fan productions have been getting real bold with copyright infringement lately

Ted Kaczynski’s rambling, nonsensical manifesto and its consequences...

The problem with Philly PD is that they don’t show up when you do need them either though?