
The cognitive dissonance between constantly posting articles about how poorly stars like Britney Spears were treated by tabloid culture in the aughts followed by a barrage of articles about how Ben Affleck is horrid. I swear, you won’t be happy until he kills himself.

Still can’t stop laughing at that name. I guess “Pravda” would have been a bit too on the nose.

I was probably going to skip this series before, but this line actually has me sold:

While I agree with you in general, I actually disagree about the Marvel shows specifically. It feels like they’ve all had really good build-ups to their climaxes, followed up insanely rushed resolutions, every single time. I felt like only Loki really nailed their ending, but to do so it had to be an episode-long

Gen Z are culture vultures. They will claim credit for literally everything that Millennials have done and experienced. I have seen members of Gen Z claim that they were traumatized by 9/11.

This specific conspiracy theory isn’t even new. I’ve unfortunately tried explaining to several people why it is absolutely bonkers, but they insist that HAARP is absolutely some form of weather control. I’ve been hearing it from a particularly crazy high school classmate for over a decade now.

The fear mongering leads to some pretty funny push notifications. I once received a notification of a man several miles away weaponizing a ruler, followed by one the next day about another weaponizing a pencil.

Please don’t post black and white header photos of actors like this. At first glance I thought this was an obituary and my heart legitimately dropped.

Cast Tig Notaro as a misogynistic lesbian Bond, you cowards. 

I kind of worry for/am curious about the lifestyles of people whose bodies seem to be falling apart by 30. 

Even aside from the silliness of people saying Thanos was right in real life - the idea that anyone in-universe would feel comfortable buying or selling a mug saying that Thanos was right strains belief more than the actual super powers. Everyone on Earth was either displaced for five years or had to suffer the

I still can’t get over that anyone believed her for even a second. She dropped out of college at NINETEEN YEARS OLD and claimed that she had developed this revolutionary technology with no engineering background - and millionaire investors just believed her!

I’ve always felt like this is a reasonable compromise that you could probably get bipartisan support behind - the government still gets some money back and borrowers can actually stand a chance to pay them off. The problem isn’t the loans themselves, it’s the absurd interest rates. The increased tax revenue from

Ah, yeah. Well, whenever you notice something like that, a wizard Jesus did it.

How about a book on how to re-ground yourself in reality because “manifesting” is nonsense?

Just remake Space Cases, you cowards.

You joke, but I would watch the hell out of a movie where Predators land on that planet to hunt down David and have to survive against a xenomorph onslaught

So a billionaire sent an obscene amount of money to buy a historic document to keep it out of the hands of a bunch of edgelords and decided to donate it to a free-to-view museum and...I’m supposed to be upset?

That’s absolutely my favorite historic anecdote of all time