

This is a great idea, thank you!!

Thanks, I appreciate your input! It’s history, but maybe history unhinged... :)

We are trying to decide if we can allow our 7 year old to watch tonight. She loved the first 2 debates but this obviously has some potential to be really inappropriate. What are other parents on this thread planning to do tonight?

It’s just a gut reaction, no judgement for Disney hats :)

Trumo has ruined all hats that are red. I see anyone wearing red on their head and I judge them immediately.

Yes! Came to say this. God will smite Trump as in the Old Testament to make way for his real planned candidate Pence. Evangelicals are losing their minds.


My daughter’s school sent out a similar email today. For the first time in her 7 years she is terrified of clowns, as it is all the kids talked about today. Last week it was lockdown drills and fire drills, today it’s clowns. She told me, “I guess kids are supposed to be afraid of a lot of bad things happening to

Haha thank you!! Meeee tooo...everyone could use more home movies in their life :)

I would love it very much if you told us that you staged that photo just for this post. So very much.

“ xoJane’s observant and perpetually exasperated commenters soon noted...”

Totally thought that it said “Emma Watson belly dances with beast.”

I’m due in November and my husband is sincerely worried able it me going into labor if Trump wins.

Yeah, in an interview Phoebe says it’s an endearing nickname that even her mother uses

The resemblance is uncanny!

What about Marion’s pregnancy? Thoughts? Theories?

Oh shit.

It's a dream. And it requires very little effort to move in and out of

It's a dream. And it requires very little effort to move in and out of

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Leachco Back n Body pillow. $64.99.