
“He buttered up his lady friend”.......

.....For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. Luke 6:45

Beautiful. Truly madly deeply.

That Hiddleston photo is perfect.

“Sexual integrity” is such a closed off term

So satisfying. Hecklers are entitled self-centered children.

Oh man I hope Angie and Brad didn't just get bedbugs.

Wait why are there only 7 kids on the cover? Did I miss something?

I know what you mean. But I think that Elizabeth Smart’s healing process is unfathomable to the general public and probably to herself. I don't think that she is trying to say that porn was the problem, simply a symptom. And in the case of this madman, maybe it was. If she genuinely thinks she can be a voice to offset

Yup. Just let her have this

Thank you for softening the blow of the gawker news with the return of a classic. I think muscle memory has led me to at least a dozen times today.

So. Much. White.

Ohhh that tract brings me back.....

I went to the Twitter link and the responses are nothing but love and understanding. Kinda wish the beyhive(or another equally passionate Twitter voice) would show up and spam his page. I can just see him sitting on his porch, fiddling with his phone, pleased as punch that America still “gets it”.


Simone Biles and her crush make me pine for my teenage years...

Sexual assault didn't do that girl any good but who's counting.

That was delightful.

Was hoping for a sweet breakdancing gif. This was better.