
Crawl out of your own ass, pal.

When he starts talking about not wanting to make his network look bad, his eyes narrow, he leans in, and he starts enunciating more sharply.

Sigh...if only firsties still mattered here. Oh well. In memory of the old AVClub, I hereby infect you with cancerAIDS. Enjoy.

Disney PR junior executive: Now this is hype generation! Yippee!

I think the real question would be: did it end well?

I for some reason read that in a Werner Herzog voice first and now it won’t leave me. Bravo!

a for a delicious Hot Dog, try Anne Franks

One of all-time favorite performances in one of all-time least-favorite movies. And it was “probably” Von Trier who harassed her in same sense that we “probably” know which black, female, high-ranking member of Bush administration Jack Donaghy refused to identify by name.

But that’s it though. They’re not all making extra efforts to be respectful to women. A lot of the ones mentioned in the article are just alienating women in the work place by straight up canceling meetings and mentoring sessions out of fear. When all they really have to do is just fucking treat/talk to female

And surely you realize that, if you ever wanted to act on those desires, your best bet would be to approach The Rock from a position of honesty and respect.

Really love that line, “The players will stand for the anthem as soon as it stands for them,” as it really gets to the heart of the issue. People opposed to the kneeling keep obliviously acting as if the anthem belongs to them and not to the players. See also, defense of confederate monuments in places that ignore the

Let’s not paint with a broad brush. Some, like his brother, are dumping him to take control of his empire.

*ahem* Cosmic Rays

And welcome to Kinja. A couple months ago, there was at least a general understanding amongst the AV Club commoners that if someone in the comments was bitching about spoilers in a trailer, he was probably making a joke.

Kinja folk, ladies & gentlemen. Let’s give them all a big round of applause.

The night begins to shiinnnneeeee!

I could sit through two hours of just Robin making hand puppets and talking to himself in the “Karl from Sling Blade” voice.

Where is District 9?

All Robocop had to do was use Ford Tauruses as police cars. And film in Dallas.

My Danish girlfriend said that’s a poor excuse, and then called him the C word. Sorry Mike, she’s just in a very very bad mood today.