
Hmm, can we get a venn diagram of those who are boycotting the NFL because of the kneeling and those who are boycotting because of the concussion issues?

I never watched the other teen titans so I am not as clouded by nostaligia as others and I love Go! as well. The 80's musical was what won me over. Now my 6 year old knows who the Golden Girls are, how is that even possible? As someone mentioned above, Robin’s Sling Blade reference, so many easter eggs for adults

I would agree with that, maybe throw in The Fifth Element and drop Minority Report. It was ok, but forgettable. I am not clamoring to watching it over and over again to pore over the details like I do for some others on this list.

No one had a BB gun?

If we can all get investigated by the FBI for violating TOS, then we are headed for a very dark place indeed. This does not seem much different than one grocery store sending an employee to the competing store down the street to check their prices and marketing tactics, except “on a computer”. Now if Uber and Lyft

Yeah, I am fine if this is where Lynch leave it, but given the unlikely gift of these 18 hours I would be right there if he decided to go another round or two.

I think it is really odd to leave Audrey like that unless they are leaving something open for another season. The two Coopers seemed to retain at least some of each other’s memories. So good Coop should know about Audrey the same way he knows about Diane. We know how strongly he felt about her so it is strange for him

Then again it is Texas. I imagine their police as Walker Texas Ranger* and roundhouse kicking starving children in the head.

“100 times this size, with a children’s book vocabulary level”

I was such a fan of the cartoon that it just felt like they thought people were too dumb to understand what Die Fledermaus meant. But it has grown on me.

I liked the NIN song better than most of what they have done the past few years, I also loved the Veils in 15. Not too often that a song hits me and I immediately have to find out what it is and who the band is.

Yeah, I thought the kinjafication was primarily going to affect the comments, I had no idea the whole website was going to be nerfed.

I suppose we learned to live with the loss of pages when Disqus replaced the old system. Before that we had the requirement to register that drove people off. Some of us have weathered it all.

lol'd at

Yeah, I started reading them in college, now I look more like George RR Martin than Jon Snow.

Yeah, I started reading them in college, now I look more like George RR Martin than Jon Snow.

He must not have been force choking too many people if that toady felt like he could get away with mouthing off like that. A truly badass Vader would have gone all O-Ren Ishii on him and anybody nearby.

OT Vader was always taking shit from people. Obi Wan, Tarkin, random guy Tarkin saves. Far from becoming the ultimate power in the galaxy, Anakin is just a heavy with asthma and Frankenstein legs. Almost like the little shit got what was coming to him.

We know, we are just the drunk regular at the end of the bar loudly complaining about the new karaoke machine they are installing.