
Can we Kinja-fy the place by about 80% or so?

Nixon is looking better and better.

Nah, they will just say that he did it to get the phony media and RINOs in congress off his ass. It was a false flag by BLM anyway.

She looked a lot like Lara Flynn Boyle to me, so I was kind of confused as to who she is supposed to be.

Plus the off camera altercation involving the taser right before that. Them just sitting there listening to it was killing me.

That or he got Nadine's superpowers.

I for one cannot wait for the GMO bananas that stay perfectly ripe for more than a single day.

How about rick-rolling then? It was probably never as big as rick-rolling, but only because it came at a time when there were fewer people on the net. But it was probably known by about the same percentage of internet users.

I will add to MLA's post that TIF is always looking for good peeps. It is not as lively over there as it was a few years ago, but the few who are left are great people and we could use some new blood.

Well at least if it bombs big time, there is always the chance for a reboot in a few years given the current studio mindset.

Yep, it is Bronn vs the knight in the Vale all over again.

Plus I think giving up her identity for at least a short while was essential to her training. In order to impersonate anyone, she had to learn to become no one. It does not really matter that she retained a small sliver of her own identity as long as she learned to bury it so deep she could convincingly lie to Jaqen.

*starts work on Jon/Tyrion fan fiction*

I am guessing some of the Ironborn who sailed with Yara and Theon were not totally loyal and/or had a change of heart after they heard of the massive fleet Euron was building. To get word to him or even join him after defecting from Dragonstone seems a bit of a feat, but word of that huge fleet was probably getting

Hmm, I don't really get the connection between Stranger Things and IT. I guess they both have kids and scary paranormal happenings. I think Stranger Things owes a lot more to Goonies and Firestarter, but really the 80's influences are legion so I think you would be safe from spoilers.

I was vehemently opposed to Tipper Gore and the PMRC getting into the top spot at the White House.

The difference is Obama was using the letter to highlight the kindness and generosity of the American people and yes to advocate for a position he felt strongly about. It was not to make himself look good.

The rebuttal is that erectile dysfunction may be associated with PTSD, so there are legitimate reasons that number is so high.

But there are also people for whom aspertame is totally undrinkable. It is not even close to not tasting better, it is the equivalent of sucking on a lemon.