
But didn't they rebound better than ever once they reintroduced Classic Coke? Maybe this is all a marketing stunt and Coke Zero will come back in six months with a groovy new font or something.

I am sure no matter how long it really takes to sink, it feels very quick to those on board.

I liked Jamie's little jab at the Northerners with the Rickon/Dickon confusion.

True, but at this point there are only like 500,000 of them left and few of those in any condition to vote.

It did have a great trailer, just imagine that trailer stretched out for 2 hours. It literally is exactly that. The tension starts right at the beginning and never lets up, it really is a climax that lasts 2 hours.

Yeah, I am not sure it would have the same impact at home or god forbid, on a laptop. The sound design is phenomenal if uncomfortably loud as others have mentioned.

I enjoyed the audio, it was very overpowering at times, but it seemed to be intentional. I am sure when you are being shot at, the clanging of the bullets is not a pleasant sound. It was certainly not a pleasant sound in IMAX.

Yep, I had to buy the European version. It may have been one of my first Ebay purchases.

I would assume they are pretty short staffed. A token force might be able to hold Dragonstone for a little while, but all that does is delay the inevitable and lose soldiers who would be more useful in King's Landing.

But who is playing bass?

True, but to be fair what was it, 11 years to wait for a new Jon or Dany chapter at one point?

Men of the Night's Watch chase wildlings North of the wall, finding only their bodies, they flee South and the Others folllow.

Even more so if the dog was black or brown. You could just look at it and tell it was vicious.

And Jared brokered a historic peace deal in Israel after a very limited and reasonable number of nuclear strikes.

He's a creep, he's a weirdo. What the hell is he doing there? He doesn't belong there.

Rico and his friends seemed pretty well off. They rebelled against their rich parents by actually drinking the military propaganda. So I guess the joke is on Republicans if their propaganda comes back to bite them in the ass. In reality though, we know most would still weasel their way out.

They are just flogging the corpses now, aren't they? Next they will go full on Bolton decorating the border wall with human skins.

"A citizen accepts personal responsibility for the safety of the body politic, defending it with his life, a civilian does not." - Johnny Rico

Do you mean the coal industry that employs less people than Arby's and has been losing jobs for decades due to automation and strip mining?