
**ROM Spaceknight puts the phone back down after dialing just the first few numbers, having once again resisted the forbidden love**

"Don't you know what it means to become an orgy guy? It changes
everything. I'd have to dress different. I'd have to act different. I'd have to
grow a mustache and get all kinds of robes and lotions and I'd need a new
bedspread and new curtains I'd have to get thick carpeting and weirdo lighting.
I'd have to get new

If they cannot use Twitter, how else are sex offenders going to keep up with Trump's pronouncements from on high without getting the biased MSM viewpoint!

How about a barrage of think pieces on the working class white male viewpoint that we are apparently not hearing enough about these days?

Oh $60 would have been fine. I think my conference rate was like $220 about 6 years ago. My employer paid it, but still…
It was just that it looked like it was trying to be high end, but was really just a veneer on a tiny room in a worn down Chicago building.

I stayed at the HRH Chicago a few years back for a conference and it was shit. There was peeling wallpaper and the laminate was peeling off the bottom of the doors. I have stayed in a lot better hotels in Chicago for half the price. I did not venture anywhere near the bar as I am sure the prices were equally inflated

*grunts acknowledgment in a simian manner*

I think it depends on your body. I am overweight too, but I don't really carry any weight in my limbs. So combine that with walking around every day with the equivalent of a 50 lb weight jacket and my calves could compete with professional weight lifters.

Well given the end of Lost, even Lost is not Lost. I really liked Lost, but at least True Detective played around with existing mythology that could be plumbed outside the context of the show.

Dammit where is Seinfeld Quote Generator when you need him?

He took Mage Hand instead. He needed it to hold the second bottle of maple syrup.

And I am going to be in Chicago next weekend! Might have to add this to the itinerary.

I can only imagine if he was an undocumented immigrant. But now of course they can start throwing around the word terrorist about white liberals.

I think it is more along the lines of the reactions. There were a lot of fingers pointed at the right after it happened. They pointed to mental illness. Now some on the right are pointing at the left. Decisive rhetoric clearly shares some blame in each case, maybe a bit more in this one, but most of it is clearly

But it is still ok to punch Nazis right? Otherwise I may have to change my weekend plans…

Sure you cannot live on vitamins, that is why products like soylent start with some base foods like soybeans or oat powder then add vitamins and minerals. There are some studies on how this may not be great for the gut biome in the long term so there are still improvements that can be made, but I do not think we are

I drank soylent for dinner 5 days a week for several months last year. Helped me keep track of my calorie intake and lose about 10 lbs. I switched to the Special K protein shakes this year. They taste a lot better and have half the calories. I have lost about 10 more lbs on them.

I'm no chemist either, but I am pretty sure the main ingredient in food is chemicals. :)

I mail ordered one of those picture pages pens as a kid and damned if the fucking thing was just a magic marker. Made no noise at all.

They were my first concert in 1990 or so. I had never heard anything so loud. Fun concert too with a giant devil blow up head and a huge bell that dropped fake dollar bills with Angus on them during Money Talks.