
A friend of mine saw GG in some dive bar. He went just to say he did, but he kind of regretted it. He did not get splattered with anything but a naked GG did pass by at an uncomfortably close distance.

*Spicer pokes his head out of heart-shaped bushes, sees his shadow and quickly retreats.*

Ignatiy points out in his review that Renton gives an updated version of his choose life speech, going on about social media and such but at the end rather than being triumphant, he just kind of peters out and realizes that he is just an old man yelling at clouds. And that is kind of the point and the genius. Renton

I felt the references were intentionally self-aware. There are several examples of lampshading like Simon telling Renton that he was a tourist to his own youth, it is all just nostalgia. That refers not only to the nostalgia the audience might feel for the first film but also the perhaps misguided nostalgia that all

At the same time, by "liking" the comments, the man had disseminated them to his list of Facebook contacts, and "thus made them accessible to a large number of people," the court statement said.

Does anyone? He is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. But I always got the feeling that he smelled like old french fries and BO.

"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons."

"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

Shit, now I am imagining him as one of those fugly vampires from The Strain.

Well you can buy the spores off the internet since they have no illegal active ingredients, then you just need a mix of sterile brown rice flour and perlite to grow them on. Or something like that, I … uh… that is what I have heard anyway…

Plus the cinematography and score. Those suits of armor, while wildly inaccurate, were beautiful to look at.

They were ok, but the quantity of boobs and shenanigans respectively were vastly overstated by the covers.

Was it? He also led the guards right to Anakin later.

I may be misremembering, but didn't he try his best to kill Anakin with the elevator?

Little did we know that Snoke is just Salacious B. Crumb on a decades long quest to avenge his master.

I wonder if the mods get into intricate debates that devolve into the definitions of words like they do on Wikipedia.

Then Metallica goes and cuts off their hair a couple of years later and everyone was finally free to have long hair again.

I saw them open for Skid Row in 1992. I was 16 and it was maybe my second big concert. At one point Chris Cornell leaped off the stage and landed right on my friend's head. They blew Skid Row away, about half the crowd left before Skid Row came on stage.

I bet there were a lot of teachers that felt the same way when we all started wearing Jim Morrison t-shirts in the early '90s.

He was great in Young Frankenstein though.