
Don't put salt in your eye.

I don't know if I would go that far, we got the flashback already. I would be up for the Age of Heroes and the start of the wall.

So was the end of the last book. No way around that though.

I am the same but for nuts. Why does every mixture of banana and chocolate have to have nuts in it? This one being the obvious exception, but of course it is limited edition.

My friends would mix it up in a crock pot full of butter. I suppose that is similar, though the rice krispie treats definitely had a taste. Not bad, just not great either.

Thank you sir, may I have another?

A variety of reasons. They got really big and bulky, did not fit in some lockers. The cheap knockoffs would fall apart and dump your papers everywhere. Kids obsessed about them like any other fad, distracting from work. There was great article on their history last year:…

Fucking rainbow parties. Some horny teenage boy tells his friends about a weird jack off fantasy, it explodes into urban legend and parents collectively lose their shit. This is why we cannot have nice things.

Yeah but I don't think those were ever really a big hit with the middle school crowd. These will likely end up on those banned from school lists next year along with Pogs and Trapper Keepers.

Sure but all that is not personal to Bellamy. Octavia has not done much to directly hurt him except by shunning him after all he has put her through. And after all of that , she still trusted him enough to know that he would come for her.

I guess my mom could not find a babysitter because I saw Alien in the theater when I was 4. I still recall being terrified of the face hugger and the blood elevator trailer for The Shining.

Well Raven is still on the island, so it makes sense for her to go to the mansion. Monty and Harper could hole up there too if they cannot get into the bunker. Remember that Monty was not on Clarke's first 100 list.

Genetic diversity if nothing else. Those 400 arkers must be getting pretty closely related. You have room and supplies for 1200. You probably should get at least closer to that number. There is an argument for having more ark people than any other clan because they are the only ones with both tech experience and

Bellamy is directly responsible for the Trikru massacre and indirectly for Lincoln's murder. I think it is fair for her to take some time to fully forgive him.

If that cyclist had only had a gun… uh yeah, he would have still been toast.

But who is going to be the first to voluntarily move into red state hell? Fuck everyone I know is flocking out of red states as fast as possible.

Better than Alec Guinness giving up and not getting out of the storage space in the Millennium Falcon and he was a lot younger then than Ford is now.

That is like blaming Tool for nu-metal or the original trilogy for the prequels.

Good point, I forgot about Luna initially being ill. That was dumb. But if nightblood won't save anyone, then the whole plot revolving around going to space and bone marrow all falls apart. In other words half this season would not make any sense if you think nightblood won't save anyone from worldwide radiation.

On those empty flights, I just wait until they close the door and then slip over into an empty row. The flight attendants never give me shit about it.