
Right so Abby tweaked the formula and was going to test the new version on Emori before Clarke stepped up. The dude did survive longer than he would have without the nightblood, we just don't know how successful Clarke's version is yet.

You are right, but the Conclave is also supposed to be just for nightbloods. I guess they figured given the dropping of one tradition, they could drop another in the name of expediency to beat the Priamfaya.

Luna was a nightblood and immune from the black rain. That is how she regained the upper hand when Roan tried to finish her rather than run with Octavia.

I thought it was radiation, just a higher level. All the current characters can survive levels of radiation that would kill modern humans in days if not hours. The nightbloods were genetically engineered to survive even higher doses like that of the death wave. The question is whether Abby's bone marrow techniques

Yeah, but Clarke feels like she needs Bellamy as her right hand. Maybe against Jaha, she is right. It makes sense that she would arrange for him to be brought in. Octavia was likely to die in the fight and Kane is expendable (though Abby might disagree.)

I thought from the beginning they said that this was a different version and not just an adaptation of the books. Not that that makes it any better, but it does seem an intentional digression from the plot of the books. I agree though, introducing the gunslinger's world through Jake instead of Eddie is worrisome. The

King described him as Clint Eastwood in his Western years, so no. It should not make much of a difference plot-wise though. Unless they get to the characters in the other books who do get into some race issues, but even that could be gotten around because Roland is from a different universe.

It had to be somewhat downhill once Republicans were in power. Righteous anger works best when you are not on top. See also the best years of The Daily Show.

I might go so far as to say Travolta and by extension the Church involvement were what made Battlefield Earth suck so bad. As those poor souls who read the novel understand, there is a shitty but at least entertaining pulp adventure in there.

The 100 turned into The Walking Dead so gradually…

We don't need water, let the motherfucker burn.

Stranger Things is to 80's kid adventures as Cabin in the Woods is to 80's horror. I don't think there could be better homages to either.

"Well Ozzy I voted you out because you were a challenge threat, I got voted out because I am not only a challenge threat, I am also the biggest strategic threat. If anything they should have kicked me out earlier. " - Debbie

I imagine that was Sarah's call. Once she found out Debbie had been spreading lies about her, she had to go.

But they went against that this season and voted strength out early. It actually worked out ok because of all the swaps.

I was worried when Michaela said that she did not get any marching orders. Especially after Cirie did not pick her for the reward challenge. But I guess she was in on it all along.

Yeah, I was wondering about that. I bet Probst would have let her sub out if she really wanted to, but there was no way to know beforehand she would do THAT poorly.

Much like the debates for/against punching Nazi's, I am falling increasingly on the side of not really caring about taking a moral high ground against opponents who have no morals. We can be internally moralistic without rolling over and saying that every voice deserves to be heard and valued.

There are only like 15 people in Wyoming though and aunt Mildred's claim of 1/8 Cherokee is dubious at best.

I think it may have been used for some POV type porn shots, but more of a gimmick like drone porn.