
Libraries actually got something out of that price gouging settlement. In 2006 or so my library got big box of around 500 free CDs. Never have I seen so many remainders and one hit wonders collected all together.

Hey, when I go to the grocery store at 4 am just so I don't have to weave my cart around idiots n the aisles, the self checks are the only things open.

Wasn't there a backlash from right wingers when Obama basically said ANYTHING. FTFY :)

I don't recall a lot of rah rah, go America! after Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the histories I have read. I am sure there was some, but not really from our leaders or prominent people in the country. I think most were rightly terrified of what they had unleashed and humbled by the loss of life. I think that memory and

I don't think many are totally opposed to the action, though there are some good arguments as to why this was more theater than anything productive, but the reaction. Contrast the somber CNN take with the childlike glee of Fox. Whether they were bad guys or not, human life was extinguished with that blast. Even if it

How about we invite those assholes to sit in a classroom and then have one of us walk in and open up on them with a semi-auto paintball gun. Seems the least we could do to help them test their alternative theories.

While Hispanic is not a race, I would find it hard to believe that many people in the U.S. would label any Mexican as "straight white dude."

I am sure he got the number of years and date as soon as he asked if he could skip the event this year for some more golf time.

We saw a chance to replace a dictator sympathetic to Russia and Iran with one more sympathetic to us in a region where we think we need more influence.

I was going to say that is some real Running Man type shit, but then I realized that would date me so I will modify it to Hunger Games type shit. It is still fucking nauseating.

Whoah, whoah, whoah, just hold on a second there. Do you deny the existence of the prequels ala there only being 3 Indiana Jones movies or is this some deeper witchcraft?

Where is reposted wookieepedia when you need him? grumble grumble, doing someone else's job:

Me too, a friend and I loved the book as kids and dragged several more friends with us, assuring them it would at least be entertaining. How could it not with that plot? Little did we know that they threw out the pulp fun of the book and amped the idiotic parts up to 11. Not only did it make no sense, it was boring.

I used to love Coming to America, but I have not seen it in 25 years so I am afraid it would not hold up that well. I have the same fear about The Golden Child. Better for them to be fond memories than spoiled by more modern sensibilities.

How else will you see a grown man naked?

We will have to think of some kind of incentive if that post scarcity Star Trek world ever gets here.

I would settle for social democracy. Not that this could not have happened in Europe, but at least there might not have been quite so many United defenders there.

I for one welcome our no-nonsense female overlords. I would like to remind them that as a trusted information professional, I can be helpful in rounding up other men to toil in their beauty and insemination spas.

Just make sure there is no BPA or GMOs involved.

I just ate at a Bearnos in Jeffersonville a month ago while on vacation. The pizza I got was ok, but the service was horrible. My daughter's lasagna was cold in the middle and they charged us extra for meatballs in my other daughter's spaghetti which was supposed to but did not come with them.