Nowhere Fast!

No. They can’t. It’s called ‘Free Speech’. Donald Trump has said far more hurtful things about a wide array of people. And, he’s been elected our fucking POTUS. Until he, & his disgusting army of assholes, takes away ‘Free Speech’, people can speculate on whatever they want to. Blim-Blam out.

Are you serious? The only thing that kept Obama from doing more was the divisive, obstructionist & deeply petty & dirty behaviour of the Republicans & Tea Baggers.

Who cares? Since when is a Trump speech anything more than a vomited word salad, w little substance? (Edit: Apologies. I meant to reply to the og commenter.)

Is it just me, or does he look like he’s in a spacesuit?

‘[The landlord] says, the door simply breaks anew. He expressed sympathy for the resident who was sexually assaulted in his building and her home.’

2 classic films to honor 1 classy actor. This is a really cool event. We're definitely going. RiP. Gene Wilder, you'll always be one of the greats.

I honestly don’t know. I just got phone call from my dad, saying she was hospitalized.

But, wait, doesn’t she eat ‘30 bananas a day’? Where’d you get 51? Maybe I missed it in the article, but I read it twice. Not saying eating 30 bananas a day is any better than 51, but there is a difference. Speaking of, my sister went on a carrot kick. That’s all she ate & drank (she also juiced the carrots), besides

Oh, I bet you’re tons o’ fun at a party. You go, grrl, express that rage over 2 stories that were dumb to begin with. And, say hello to your cats for me.

She’s not?! I’ve been had!

It’s a joke, grandpa. Don’t get your danders up.

He’s literally being sarcastic.

I’m so sick of racism. It’s ridiculous & pea-brained. We’re all in this together. But, enough space wasted on them, these cosplayers are FANTASTIC! They seem cool as hell, too. My wife & I would party w them all con!

We watched it the other night. It was awesome. Ww really enjoyed it. DC kicks Marvel’s ass when it comes to animated films. Except the Doctor Strange film, Marvel is surprisingly tone deaf when it comes to their animated films.

You must take the Cheesy part of your name seriously. That movie is so bad. Another save the whales movie? Whales that communicate with aliens, a fact that’s NEVER been touched on in the entire series before?! A cheap looking jump into 80's SF with cheap ‘out of time’ jokes. Glad you like it. Not my cup of tea.

I don’t know what you’re talking about. Star Trek stopped making films after III...

The only Netflix movies io9 should be pumping up are Kung Fury & Kid Turbo.

Indubitably! My mom & dad are visiting w my wife & I. They were curious about the weather, only to have a vagina shoved in their faces! They proceeded to run around the living room screaming like their heads were on fire. My wife, confused about what was going on, joined in the riot; screaming like banshees. I finally