Nowhere Fast!

Interesting concept...but if they go with the take that the kid is just inherently evil, less interesting to me. Superman is good because he had good parents and a healthy, stable upbringing

Why does this article exist?

Yeah, but that’s the point. Even tho I absolutely cannot stand the white whine served up by Dunham, she does have enough clout w HBO to have done whatever series she wanted. It's completely her fault for pitching her tent in this campground (leave me alone, I'm hungover).

Scorsese has NEVER ‘lost the plot'. He's only the most consistently great filmmaker, of all time.

Jaden got pretty popular as a rapper before hks dad got involved. 

This kid DOES have a hobby, he raps and runs a label. Just because he’s born rich doesn’t mean he’s trash or has nothing to say.

Yeah. I’ve been a long time fan of Star Wars. The prequels are pretty bad, but I’ve had enough time to appreciate the better aspects of them & love the series they spawned. I love TFA, and while it’s beats are clearly inspired by ANH, it brings back the spirit of adventure & joy of the original series, as well. TLJ

Uhm. Yeah. That’s me. I do like most of Zack Snyder’s (actual) films. But, I’m not crazy about it. If you don’t like them, fine. And, if you like TLJ, fine. But, TLJ I saw was a ludicrous series of events that made no sense & didn’t really add up to a real plot (unless you count a long space chase, w brief stop overs

You're high, Public Enemies is fuckin' brilliant.

You are so wrong. Public Enemies is a great fuckin' movie!

Ha, no you can say it. And I mostly agreed with the things mentioned in the review, they just didn’t bother me as much as they did Mike (especially some of the military tactical stuff—that all just went over my head). Anecdotally, I’ve noticed that people who were more into the EU and other related Star Wars-y stuff

Using RLM as a source is about as useful as using Rotten Tomatoes, they are both trash.  

Not unlike Miami Vice, I really, really enjoy Public Enemies despite the glaring flaws. The prison break, the shootout in the woods, the shackled-Dillinger waving to his fans, any shot with Marion Cotillard - gorgeous stuff.

I kinda liked Public Enemies, the scene where the plane lands and with all the camera lightbulbs looked cool as well.

I loved Miami Vice. Yes the romance plot grinds the movie to a halt but that's a flaw almost every Mann movie has. @avclub-173af0430bc192b8a027af7cdba82cd7:disqus gets exactly to why I liked it (smart people who are good at what they do, jargon, sparse, dialogue), though I found a few other films of his in the past

How sad that he unlearned all the lessons from Any Given Sunday.

Would you rather the series end with a repentent father smiling at his son or some smug smirking brat?

The story of the making of the film would make a good documentary. Jamie Foxx quit the production 2/3 of the way through, which is why the film doesn't have a real third act and doesn't resolve any of the mysteries it set up (who was the leak?; where was the Aryan Brotherhood getting military weapons?; etc.).

The problem with Hayden Christensen at the end of RotJ are twofold. One, there's no way Luke would recognize his ghost, since he's only seen his father without the mask when he's old and dying. Two, it shows that Anakin can commit genocide against the Jedi and  kill thousands of innocent people but still be young in

Miami Vice is a really interesting movie. It is deeply flawed no doubt but at the same a great movie with a lot to recommend.