
Many years ago I got to escort my grandmother to her first colonoscopy... they told me afterward that even after they gave her the drugs she was alert enough through the entire damn procedure to keep talking a blue streak about the performance of that year’s Seahawks starting lineup and give her speculations on who

You fuckers let the Lunsei russia bot out from the greys. Keep it in check.

As a fellow Bay Area native, it makes me very happy to see the locals fight back aganst the gentrifiers.

Yep. Do not ever try to play folks in Oakland with that gentrifying crying ass Karen bullshit.
Oakland was hella Oakland in response to Susan’s bullshit.
I love Oakland. Oakland is the heart and soul of the Bay Area.

“Disgraceful. Can’t they find a more peaceful way to protest?”

I respect people of all races, religions, genders, sexualities, socioeconomic groups and nationalities. But I have a hard time respecting people who put raisins in their potato salad. WTF?!

The East Bay is the best place on Earth. When I die I hope they bury me in the Coliseum parking lot, which will absolutely still be there because the A’s will still be trying to find a site for their new ballpark.

I would have paid for a plane ticket JUST to go to that cookout....FORREAL.

I mean... Racists are everywhere. Even Canada (cough, First Nations, cough).

We’re plenty racist in Canada, it’s just more covert because we’re very invested in our national identity of kind and pleasant and most importantly Not America. We have ~1200 missing and murdered women, a rebuke from a UN committee about our “grave violations” of their human rights, and Colten Boushie is dead with no

It’s probably the Raiders fan in me talking but FUCK PITTSBURGH!

Now that is a tough category to break. A tightly fought title.


I saw a FB comment yesterday that said something like “Funny how Trump is being blamed for a mistake made by someone hired by Obama.”

Covfefe will be served, right? Need to stay awake during his bigly strange rants.

My love for that woman knows no bounds. She SLAYED as Tina Turner.

And that she wanted to treat you like raccoons or kappas or something and shine a light or throw water or glitter or couscous on you, and I talked her out of it?

Nope. The City of Anacostia in the Douglass Commonwealth. I’m claiming it now while we’re still (at least) a (milk) chocolate city (with caramel filling).