
Yeah, I mean there’s some weird internalized sexism on this. For instance, as shitty as Stassi and Kristin can be, they haven’t really been any worse than a James or a Jax, but they’ve basicaly been ostracized by the group. When James or Jax fucks up the whole gang basically just laughs it off. Additionally, whenever

Agreed. A lot of us on this comment thread are doing exactly what it is we rail against. We’re attacking her for having opinions.

Exactly. You have to give it to her, I 100% agree with most of the things she said. And to be fair, what she said about Knocked up was, when she FIRST read it she thought that, but grew to love it.

Unfortunately, this is pretty par for the course. If I hear more young men tell me how many women “make the whole thing up”, I’ll scream. I’m sick of straight men. I’m sick of their “poor me” attitude. And I’m sick of the way we hand everything to them and allow them to get angry when someone asks for just a piece of

The studio apartment is very generous.

Whoa, bro. Just how many women have you stalked? Sorry this is going to be so hard for you now.

Yeah, my rapist also apologized to. It didn’t help.

They are totally going to track which cover does better on the stands. If you guys want to see this happen again, I'd buy Graham's cover!

I feel like the current Radio DJ model is some sick remnant of the 90s, serving as a constand reminder that it wasn’t the egalitarian, liberal decade we’d all like to remember it as.

I think this very clearly articulates the issue probably all people who are not straight white males grew up with — we’re constantly seen through the lens of the “other” and are only value as individuals is to serve as supporting characters in the story of their lives. These script writers are saying, rather

Go fuck yourself.

“These individuals” was referring to the women who’s photos have been posted without their consent — not the people who posted them.

The pain these individuals have faced is one of the sickest injustices of our society.

Ye. Appears so.

I love how these guys think asking her father if they can have sex with her is “consent.” Morons. It’s like, no you have to ask the person you’re having sex with.

I think what Tracie fails to do in this article is define what she means when the refers to "criticism." In my mind, there's two types of criticism: Productive criticism, in which issues are discussed in a constructive way. This type of critique is generally intent on developing solutions that would better the idea,

Yeah, it's really one of the "low points" of an otherwise thoughtful and inspirational blog. Jezebel especially likes to go after women with known mental illness issues, which is especially "brave" of them.

Thank you for saying this, I think in that added context it makes a lot more sense why someone who was treated that way would have this line of thinking. It also makes Jezebel look like the douchey one.

Yes, I agree. Who knows what his state of mind was when he wrote these. I feel this is a common theme on Jezebel - exploiting people so we can all feel better about ourselves. How progressive.

So, when is it ok on this site to blame your actions on someone else? I'm still trying to figure that out. When you exploit the personal letters and videos of the severely mentally ill, you seem to think that "those people" have no one to blame but themselves for their "choices" (even though the mentally ill are not