
Emily really grates on me - it seems like she wants to be this poor little girl that everyone feels sorry for, but she also wants to bash everyone else for their mistakes. One second it's like, "Oh look at me, my life's so hard, people think I'm fat/ugly/whatever." Then it's: "Oh look at this retard, they suck. Let's

She said she was "blowing through it" when she first got to New York. From what I've heard (through "friends" of hers) it's really, really large. So I don't think she could of blown through it all. Also, if you see the way she lives on the site (drugs, Alphabet City, designer gigs, there's just no way a writer for a

She has a trust fund. She's written about it before. It's easy to "not work" when you have a trust fund.

I feel the best reaction to this "Cat Marnell business" is a measured one. I think there's a lot going on here which is a little weird for any publication....

I sometimes find Jezebel to be lacking some serious journalistic responsibility - this appears to be one of those cases. Either their leaving something out here, or there's no definitive proof that these two letters are fake.

I don't see how we concur it's a fake? why couldn't the person have just written two advice columnists - perhaps because they thought one might not answer?

I have seen these "lost pics" before. About 15 yrs ago. On "Hard Copy". Seriously. This shit be old news.

My understanding of the comments section is that it is a space to expand on the ideas presented in the article. I think this is a good piece. I wanted to introduce another way to think about it - outside of just a the feminist perspective. I did not feel attacked by her article. I do, however, feel a bit attacked by

I agree. It's wrong to call women crazy. I'm making an additional comment - that it's not OK to call anyone this - because people suffering from mental illness have a whole slew of additional issues. I think this is a point that has not been adequately addressed.

1. NO

My point is, even if someone was "insane" then this dude's article still wouldn't be acceptable. Got it? Understand now?

Right. So if someone does have a mental illness it's ok to demean them on a public forum. Point taken. You sound very enlightened.

So, both my brother and mother have schizophrenia. I, myself, suffered from Dementia-inducing Rasmussen's Encephalitus for 10 years. "Crazy" isn't a funny term to me. I guess this guy thinks his glib little piece is so funny and edgy because mental illnesses are hilarious? Even if this girl was mentally unstable

Just because thyme is natural doesn't necessarily mean it won't cause irritation or inflammation of the skin, even if it does kill the bacteria that causes acne.

I recently turned 30, when people start telling you that "you've reached your expiration date" before you've even reached your peak earning potential, you might change your mind. Maybe botox isn't for everyone but women over a certain age are under a tremendous amount of pressure. It's easy to poo-poo people who do

A 12 back then was the equivalent of an 8 now. Back then if you proudly declared you were a 12 it was culturally the same as proudly declaring your a 4 or a 6 now. Lucille Ball had an episode where she goes on a diet saying that she needs to get back to the size 12 she was in high school. Models were 12s.

Actually, now that I look at the first clip a second time, you can see that the 8 yr old has some pretty clear early eating disorder behaviors. If you watch the way she eats it's clear that she's sort of guarding her food, scared someone's going to take it from her. In the psychiatry world we call this "food hoarding"

Yeah, the big problem is when mother's have this weird notion of being the perfect mommy. Making fatty, sugary treats for you and expecting you to remain thin. When that happens you realize it's not your behaviors that they have a problem with - it's you and your body. In their minds they want a daughter who can eat

This reminds me of my own mother, who herself was overweight and now has diabetes. Instead of focusing on getting her body healthy, she became obsessed with making me skinny. 20 yrs of bulimia later, I guess I'm almost normal.

I have to say I think this is a little short sighted. Why do you think you're bullies were mean? They probably had terrible homes/environments. They were kids. Kids do stupid things. Did you never hurt anyone when you were younger? i was bullied in school, terribly, but I still would've felt sad if one of those people