Far more common than who thought? Because I’m pretty sure most women are not surprised by the news that when rapists get away with one rape, they go commit more. That’s what happens when a society doesn’t take rape as seriously as it should.
Far more common than who thought? Because I’m pretty sure most women are not surprised by the news that when rapists get away with one rape, they go commit more. That’s what happens when a society doesn’t take rape as seriously as it should.
So you’re saying the Stanford rapist has either done it before or will do it again? Shocking. Good thing he only got 6 months for that 20 minutes of action, since I’m sure he will never again be a threat to society.
I would support Princess Day because it’s Princess Day not National Female Disempowerment Day, and would also be completely tickled if a little girl came dressed as a hotdog instead.
I liked the puppy too - you look so happy.
God. The US are really odd mix of fairy tales , vomit inducing pastel colors and adults and ruthless reality, sometimes.
Such an important point. The standards are insanely out of whack. Reminds me of the gaslighting efforts of my own dear landlord:
BRAVO, well played, you sounded exactly like those dudes she was ta- Oh. Oh I see.
OMG, can you imagine the shit storm that would spew from the right if Hillary nominated Michelle as a Supreme Court Justice? There wouldn’t be enough popcorn in the galaxy for that shit show.
I was just reading today about non-spousal “First Ladies.” They were quite common in the 1800s and were called White House hostesses. They were usually family members of the sitting president (sisters, daughters, nieces, daughters-in-law). But since Michelle is entitled to Secret Service protection for the rest of her…
Her instagram account is full of pics from the commencement, highlighting students of color graduating today!
I genuinely think she might be a Supreme Court nominee in the next fifteen years if she spends the interim going back to law or legal education.
I really wonder what she’s going to do next with her life. She’s so intelligent, warm and thoughtful. She’s also clearly ambitious, though I’m persuaded that she has no interest in running for office herself. I love Barry. But when it comes to this next stage of their careers, it’s clearly her turn. Would she write a…
OT, but I graduated from CCNY and adjuncted there for years and this is my home campus, so super psyched about this...but didn’t go ‘cause campus is probably a total zoo. On the other hand, my advisor is there so I can ask him about it...
I understand that, according to the constitution, Obama needs to step down as president but what’s the law on Michelle staying on as FLOTUS?
But a lot of celebrities wore orange yesterday because we need to be made aware of gun violence! That didn’t help?
In reponse to that tweet, people posted pics of her holding guns.
Not only that, but she used her “awareness” post to peddle her shitty’s husband’s shitty show line. She’s fucking disgusting.
A 15-year-old girl in hospice care was determined to attend a Florence and The Machine concert in spite of her…
My husband does this too, usually from another room. I find it hilarious. Funnier still when I send him pics of random dicks in return, but he doesn’t agree.
Are you sure that's not one of those asshole pics?