
“Ok. I do keep quiet on this every time it pops up on Jez, but... there is no proof he did anything.”

What? No. How on earth did you get doubt from what I said?

You should talk to someone,anyone, if you need to about your own abusive experience.

The point is that if we can’t stop people who lead very public lives and who have a paper trail, how in the hell are we going to stop anyone? The outcry over Bill Cosby and Woody Allen is about their individual crimes, but it’s also a social reckoning of the things we tolerate from those in positions of power. If we

If this is cathartic, then I do have some questions, because there is literally no one else willing to listen to me talk about it not on the internet at this point.

Actually, I’m even surprised there are more than one victim considering that he’s a filmmaker and photographer. He could get all the trophies he needs to relive molesting just one victim and have it last him a lifetime.

Even on the basis of what he’s admitted, looked at in its best possible light, he began a relationship with his girlfriend’s young adult daughter who he’d known since she was a child while he was still dating his girlfriend. By regular people standards, that is more than enough to view someone as creepy and having

Or, you know, gotten involved in Jewish organizations that might have allowed him access to children. Or just become a non-religious person who is also a powerful Hollywood director and gets a pass that way.

I do not think that word means what you think it means: “

Jesus, no. WTF. I’m saying that we’re all too steeped in a culture that tolerates a lot of fuckery where older men and younger women are concerned, and it needs to stop. I’m saying I feel sorry for Mia Farrow I’m not blaming her; she more than most had already been groomed to accept extremely questionable

It shouldn’t have to get to Cosby levels before we can call someone out on their bullshit. My point is that one is already too many. I respect that people who are pedophiles are mentally ill and they need treatment and it should be easier for them to admit that and get help before they harm anyone without fear of

Your lack of knowledge on how sexual predators work is galling, and every time someone posts some apologia like this it harms survivors and keeps them from coming forward, which gives predators more license to operate.

I have certainly considered whether Allen might be not guilty. I also considered whether he was guilty. After carefully thinking about the matter, I came to the conclusion that Allen was almost certainly guilty (the only reason there’s an almost in there is because I have to go off media reports, like everybody else).

She wrote an article as. An. Adult. You know there’s a statue of limitations on sexual assault, right?

You know what it takes to be a pedophile? A predilection for children. It only takes one, and that one that has come forward is Dylan, whom you have shit all over because she wasn’t the perfect child victim that apparently meets your narrow definition of victimhood.

yup. My sisters and I were molested as children and just recently I’ve heard that some “family friends” are disputing my/our credibility. Yeah, the three of us have the same stories and memories and we’re all adults now and have never waivered from being up front about our abuser and the things he did to us. We all

Yeah, tons of feminists use the word ‘hysterical’ unironically!

It infuriates me that this is the case, just like there are people who will claim all of Bill Cosby’s victims are money-hungry white women who were paid off. Especially with the internet, even though it’s gotten easier to verify and fact-check, we have paradoxically became even lazier and more prone to running with

You also can’t claim “Very few people who are old enough to remember the case in the early 90s believe Dylan” because there’s no accurate way to measure that. What can be said, however, is that, most often, when people have expressed doubt about Dylan’s story, it has been based on misinformation like you have here

This is completely incorrect. The prosecutor in the case stated that there was probable cause to go ahead with charges, but Dylan was so fragile that he didn’t want to pursue them. Woody spent millions of dollars pursing his allegations that Dylan had been coached and he lost every time. This information is public