
I find “abuser” more apt. Abusers impose themselves on and coerce you into doing things against your will.

When are people going to realize advertisers act exactly like abusers ?

Just yesterday while remoting into a company pc to debug a failed deploy i spotted a “Ask Copilot” button atop company internal pdf documents that the software is stuck opening in edge by default because Microsoft are pricks that want to shove edge in our mouths.

It’s a huge waste of resources to mine listening data for ad revenue.

this requires an additional half a dozen orbiters to act as a communication relay to your half a dozen landers/rovers, doubling your rocket launches.

It is to intelligently study and examine your life to understand you and your story better

How it transpired :

The board : We are sitting on the biggest goldmine that will ever gold. Make us money. Make us all the money

Altman: Oh yessss our precioussses, we are making So. Much. Money. We are making more money that has ever monied. We are moneying to the God damned moon!!
* cough, gollum, gollum! *


The more I interact with AI-everything fans the more I realize they often either want to cut corners, make a quick buck without putting in the work or wished they had talent but are just too lazy to make an effort and challenge themselves.

See my reply to tigerberry

I don’t (or extremely rarely) use YT for music. I find it a bit wasteful to stream video when you are only interested in the audio, which is much smaller in size.

Nebula is much fairer to its creators than YT. They have a 50/50 profit system, and the creators co-own nebula. There is some free content you can watch, and quite frankly I’d rather encourage the creators I like directly than lining the pockets of a trash company like Google/YT which has no qualms spreading garbage

Wait, Pinterest serves an actual purpose other than polluting your searches in a never ending link-inception of irrelevant crap and asking you you to register at every click ?

Well... Crypto is full of shit, after all.

Totally agree, the biggest offender is China and by a long margin, so how do we get them to stop?

How about we do what we’re supposed to do and stop pumping our atmosphere full of burned fossil fuels instead of coming up with harebrained solutions like this

- It’s simple, this is what needs to be done.

“Yeah, no. Anything but that. Anyways, onto more feasible solutions: How about moving the earth near Mars orbit

“Simulation theory confirmed: Latest JWST shows Deep Sky Object with missing texture”

allegedly manipulated the software to insert false price data that basically generated money out of thin air

Can you not fucking pull a New York Post, Gizmodo ?

Ah, yes. Tell us you have no idea what working on creative projects implies without telling us you have no idea what working on creative projects implies.