
I’ve never understood why people would trade better framerates for made-up visuals. But to each their own, I don’t even understand the obsession frame rate. Bring on the pristine eye candy at 30 FPS and I’m fine.

One of the latest health trends on TikTok...

Given the difficulty AI lately seems to have in translating English into English, I won’t hold my breath...

Welcome to plutocracy, a government for and by the wealthy- and only them. This is the expected result when a government legalizes bribery. They don’t work for “the little people”, they just pretend they do.

Took a page from Kinja.

Can you give any more details on how these actually operate? Are they full-fledged standalone Sonos devices, dependent on another Sonos device, or plain old bluetooth+ANC headphones? Do you need the Sonos App? Can you listen on a plane (I don’t see a 3.5mm input in your photo) etc.

This slideshow could have been a fist fight single page post, Matt

I’ll take Geralt of Rivera over his evil cousin Geraldo of Rivera any day

While season seven was one of Rick and Morty’s best

I can’t do ads. I have such a neurodivergent antipathy for them it’s like someone screaming in my ears. I don’t know if it’s a thing. Like a named thing with studies and all that. But I know it feels just short of physical pain when I’m being advertised at. We pay for internet, but not cable. Mostly cos I can’t remove

I foresee piracy numbers continuing to go up

Torrenting can't be stealing if paying for it isn't owning.

wish they cut to Linda facepalming

The Board of the Rings

Imagine going blind and having the last thing you saw be a wall of monkey jpegs.

Damn I hate Pinterest. Whenever I can’t think of the exact name of something I tend to run an image search to narrow down my parameters, and 9 times out of 10 what I’m looking for happens to be a Pinterest photo with absolutely no information about the thing being photographed other than the same description I

China has ~5x the population of the US; per capita the US far outpaces China - and every other nation on the planet as well - when it comes to pollution.

It’s fascinating how the only people ‘advancing technology’ puts out of work are the average employees. Upper management and execs just keep on coasting on their uselessness.

Gizmodo simply converted from metric (Newfoundland) to US customary units (Cape Cod), since it serves mostly an American audience.

AI prompt makers are not technical artists. I know technical artists. I went to school with technical artists. They are full on real artists with real art skills, and the programming/scripting knowledge to implement in an actual game engine, where another non-technical artist might screw something up. Put vertices in