
Getting really tired of feeling like I’m living in “The Wish” episode of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”. Can we find and smash Anyanka’s necklace, already? 

Only as long as none of the entries are “hurt durr, TrUmP iS pReZ!!1", I agree. I need something less scary than real life to distract from the horrors of real life.


1. Selenna shows up for a bit. I wouldn’t say she has as much of a presence in the movie as she does in the book.

Everyone at Jez seems to, that is. The more we comment that we don’t, the more the writers seem to write fawning articles about her. Is she paying them, or something? 

I ab.So. Fucking. LUTELY hate Meryl Streep with the blazing fire of a thousand suns.

Bless you.

I don’t know why we’re all supposed to pretend she’s a good singer. I can’t listen to her in Sweeney Todd, and I hate her warbly grandma-voice version of Beauty and the Beast. 

I can’t stand her. She’s one of those “I’m God’s gift to acting” types. Like, you literally play pretend for a living, now get over yourself. 

God I hate her. Watching Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day sealed it for me. I wanted someone to shove her off of the rich guy’s balcony.

*slow clap* You have put into words my every feeling about this piece of shit cartoon.

I HATE TOM HANKS! He is so overrated! And I hate Rita Wilson. She’s such a fucking bottom feeder!

God I hate Kristen Wiig. She probably thinks she’s a lot funnier than anyone else could ever find her. I won’t watch a movie if she’s in it. I hate that she’s in Wonder Woman 2.

Lea Michele is such a try-hard. She looks like she’d be fake-nice, and she seems like she’s got a very high opinion about herself (and for no reason).

Every Missouri woman I know voted for Hillary. They’re all in the 45-24 age range. MO has a lot of older, wealthy-ish conservative women who probably voted for Drumpf because it wouldn’t directly affect them or their lives, so. It’s not completely red, but it sure does have a lot of assholes who vote that way.

I took biotin 3 years ago, to grow my nails/hair.

Jesus Christ, put down the phone, you asshole. 

I always *wanted* to like MIB, because I loved The State, but even then, there was something about him that I  just couldn’t like completely. Maybe this is the vibe I couldn’t suss, back then.

I recently discovered ASMRZeitgeist, and I agree, he’s great.

Die in a fire, Scott Lloyd.