
I’m so tired of this bullshit... and so thankful for my hysterectomy.

As do I. Hemsworth > O’Dowd, who annoys the living shit out of me.

I hate Paul so, SO much. Even when I was a good little Baptist as an adolescent, I read his words and thought, “FUCK this guy.”

This is the best convention story I’ve ever read, thank you.

I’m facing a hysterectomy because my humongous fibroid has grown in the past year (after 7 years of dormancy). They’re pretty sure it’s not cancerous, but I really wish I’d gone though with laproscopy for it when I had the chance. I’m petrified of surgery, and of everything that could go wrong, and scared to death

I’m sorry that happened to you, and f that neighbor lady and her reaction.

The Doom Generation is all I can think of.

Ugh, that Netflix theme is the worst. I mute it and play the real song in my head.



Cats DO growl. And I think yours was trying to warn something away from you.

I had a phantom cat hop up on the foot of my bed once. I’m pretty sure it was our big orange tabby, back to say hello and take a snooze. Freaked my grey cat out, a bit, but she seemed to know it was him.

OMFG, I loved American Gothic.

“mama gaia (Mother Earth).”

Hoping for the best for you and baby girl. And, look at that little middle finger, out and proud! She seems like she’s a fighter. :)

Oo, that part is very nice.

The Patriot! Jason is the only reason to watch that garbage.

I recently skimmed through that movie because I love William Fichtner, and, jeeze. It was barely worth it. So. Boring.

My current actor crush is William Fichtner, so I’ve recently sat through Ultraviolet (boring as hell), Drive Angry (Nic Cage, Nic Cage-ing), and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Michael Bay, Michael Bay-ing). And I’d do so, again; I find him breath-takingly gorgeous, and just hot as fuck, as well as being a really good

FWIW, whenever I see someone with a backpack come into my theatre, I think, ‘is this the movie I get shot in?’ :/