

my exact first thought.

“Caller ID”
About twenty years ago I was part of a Buddhist community in New Haven Ct. It was fine for a short time, but ultimately disintegrated due to the Lama not being able to keep his dick in his pants. I stayed for about 3 years as a non resident, but some people lived at the center, did long retreats and took

In 1992 I went out to dinner with a guy I had dated all through high school. We hadn’t stayed in touch in college, and it was the first time in a few years we’d gone out. I hadn’t been the best girlfriend in high school, and we had what seemed like a laugh about that. He said, “Honestly, I wouldn’t even consider you a

Okay – so this all happened when I was in college, between 2006 and 2010. I went to a women’s college that didn’t have dorms, but houses – buildings you usually stayed in for all four years. The houses were generally old (built in the 1800s), and mine in particular hadn’t been updated recently: the architecture was

It amazes me how many people share these stories and just take these entities at face value. 

“I saw her prowling around us like a cat on all fours.” NOOOPE. That’s no little girl.

A colleague once saw an old man sitting dead on a chair outside a cafe. Eyes open, mouth open, head hanging back, motionless. Everyone was upset, of course, and no one wanted to touch him, so the staff called the paramedics.

This story isn’t scary, and there are so many other stories on here that I doubt anyone will read it...but it IS true, I wanted to share it somewhere, and folks in my normal life would probably roll their eyes, so...

Your mom should leave jewelry out! God, how scary!

Addition Apparition

At my Mom’s house, there is this shed that her father built a long time ago. We never really used it growing up, and it’s gone to waste really. My Mom just keeps gardening stuff in there now, and the lawnmower.
My sister and I were staying there at Christmas, and one night I had this really weird dream about the shed.

I know it’s New Zealand, but “overnight campout on MURDER BEACH” is like the most Australian thing ever.

Yeah, OP seems pretty shitty.



It’s not hard to find if you search the site.

You seem like a lot of fun. Are you this much of a snob about everything other people enjoy that you think is a frivolous waste of time and energy in the face of war, genocide, disease, etc., or do you reserve your scorn for just this?

One day I’m walking up to my apartment and notice a cinder block is sitting underneath one of my bedroom windows. I’m puzzled, how long has that been there? There’s a dumpster for our building’s trash at the end of the drive, and I think, maybe it accidentally ended up over next to my window when someone was trying to

17 years ago, I found myself in rehab for alcoholism. The experience was positive and I’ve remained sober ever since. When my stint in rehab was finished, I couldn’t afford my old apartment and needed to find a new living arrangement. Thankfully, two of my fellow rehabbers, D. and A., needed a roommate and offered me