
As an Englishman, and a staunch supportive of the remain campaign I’m absolutely devastated today.
Never mind the auto industry, the young people of my country have been fucked over by elderly voters, by xenophobes and by the apathetic.
The repercussions of this decision are huge and I’m downright fucking angry.


Absolutely, a broken odo is almost always unforgivable.
Having said that, I’d be more willing to take a chance on this thing if it had a manual and was around the $2k mark.

Definitely. I’d stretch to $2500 with a stick.

But not $3500 nice!
$2,000 and I’m in, but at that price it’s a definite CP, IMO.

Thank you Sir.

Total CP.

I would do ANYTHING to own a Pagoda SL.

This could be one hell of a project car.
The right engine swap and this would make one hell of a sleeper, or better still an awesome portable drift machine!
Having said that, $3800 is far too rich.
It’s a reluctant CP at this price, $2000 and I’ll take it.

Thank you.

You have outdone yourself this week Sir.
So much CP!

“ rare as a virgin’s queef”


I love watching this series.

Ungray this man!

I’ll give the dealer a call and ask for my old job back!

I got fired because of a V6 Cougar once.
I was 16, and always loved cars so I figured I’d start an mechanics apprenticeship at a Ford dealer (No Mercury in the UK).
First year went okay, although I never had much aptitude for the job and spent most of my time hitting things with my new collection of hammers.
Then, one

“Land Dawdler” sums me up pretty damn well...
Hell, I like Land Cruisers and this one’s brown, in budget and with working AC. Suits me!

It’s a lovely thing.
But there’s no fucking way it’s worth $40k!

The schadenfreude in my office is palpable.
Drag racer foiled by a straight road in perfect conditions.